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Have found the time to create / rework a few graphics ...

And in this case (not to forget), I have to say thank you to Mr. Hidfan for his pre-work with the Doom3 textures !!


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  • 5 years later...

Well, with four new levels I've got some material together and can show some new pictures.
So it's time to take on an "old case".


But one after anonther:

LV-01: Matt's Tavern
Our marine arrives at Matt's tavern and helps the innkeepers to get rid of unwelcome guests. He gets a ride from Matt.

LV-02: Springfield Armory  NEW
As the only competent person present, our marine is supposed to break into an enemy-occupied weapons factory and get the blueprints and two samples of the weapons.

LV-03: Niagara Falls
Since the job was completed to our satisfaction, our marine gets a follow-up job:
He should switch on the turbines of the adjacent power plant and thus start the generator that supplies the electricity required for the factory.

LV-04: Antioch AB
A call for help from USS Ranger reaches Marine HQ. This decides to send a team on board.
Since our hero is nearby, he should liberate the base and borrow the only space transporter available.

LV-05: USS Ranger
The space freighter drifts through space without a guide. Our team boards the spaceship and activates the autopilot so that it can continue on its way. It itself should with its own
Eagle transporter return.

LV-06: Search And Rescue
Since the air base does not report, it is decided to drop our marines in a slightly distant landing zone. They make their way to the base.


LV-07: Swampweed / Sumpfkraut  NEW
Our transporter has landed and it is time to refresh the supplies.
There's said to be a Swampweed Merchant at the back of the area...


LV-08: The The Fog-Forest / Der Nebelwald  NEW
New orders from HQ to our Marines to turn north to
visit LT. Winter. The first stop on their way would be Helmers Home.
A long march through the Fog-Forest is on the agenda.


LV-09: Path of the Dead / Pfad der Toten  NEW
Since the enemy is heavily concentrated in this area, it is decided to go around it.
Helmer is very helpful and shows our team a secret long forgotten path through the mountain...

... and as a little extra something to relax ... the village without a name.


You can find the pictures here: (from post #16)






Edited by Miller

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  • 2 months later...

Update 16.10.22


LV-10: Danger Area   NEW
Our marines have passed under the mountain, and since they cannot walk to the ice field ahead,

they need a helicopter for the next leg of their journey to Ice Station "Zebra".

Coincidentally, there is a MARINES Tactical-Air-Support Squadron base nearby.
But this does not report.

In order not to endanger the pilot (of course there is only one), Team Six is sent ahead to clarify the situation...


You can find more pictures here: (from post #28)








Edited by Miller

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  • 3 months later...

Update 24.01.2


LV-11: Ice Station Zebra   UPDATED

Our marines' helicopter was shot down, so our hero approaches the station on foot. He penetrates the base, clears it of intruders and activates the disabled radar station.


You can find the screenshots here on the side in post 25 or here:

post #34


post #14 and post 15




LV-12: At the North Cup   UPDATED

Our marines reach their real goal, the North Cup. Your assignment is, Lt. Winters to transmit the messages and information of the headquarters and incidentally secure three ampoules of alien blood. With the help of Frank and Joe, they reach Lt. Winters on the front line. At this moment starts the enemy attacked again...


More screenshots:

post #34








Edited by Miller

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Possible LV-13: WIP The City of Shifting Waters


The episode is inspired by Valerian & Laureline: The City of Shifting Water (by Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières)

The team traverses an abandoned town...


More screenshots here (post #35):



Translation of the text there:

At the beginning there is a space-time station (Picture 1 shows the exit, seen in this way the entrance to the level...) :D

The end is still unclear, at least it continues behind the jeep ...


Many thanks for your interest and for looking!

Regards Miller





Edited by Miller

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