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Doom Launcher - Doom frontend & database v3.7.4 (12/2023)

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BUG: ZIPs with WADs and DEHs/BEXs don't work as a whole
When launching a project in a ZIP that has also DEH/BEX files, only the WAD gets loaded, the DEH/BEX gets ignored. This is important for older projects like WolfenDoom which deliver two files (DEH+WAD)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Coming on back here with an actual suggestion for once, how about an option to create a text file for a mod you've already added as opposed to having to insert one manually?

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  • 3 weeks later...

This mod launcher is great and such, but can you make a feature that launches ZDL files? I have a rather organized Doom folder that utilizes ZDL and it would be nice to have an image description launcher that works with ZDL rather than having to move everything to zip files.

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  BlackFish said:

This mod launcher is great and such, but can you make a feature that launches ZDL files? I have a rather organized Doom folder that utilizes ZDL and it would be nice to have an image description launcher that works with ZDL rather than having to move everything to zip files.


I'm not familiar with ZDL so I'm not sure what you mean.

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  riderr3 said:

Can it launch Master Levels properly?


Doesn't look like it. There are a lot of problems with how the levels were packaged.

In my opinion the best way to add the Master Levels is to wait for the next version that will support custom tags and tabs (which will be out soon). You can drag and drop the wads so they are added as individual files and then tag them all as Master Levels. It parses the maps so you can easily warp to the ones that are not MAP01 when you run.

I might actually have the next version done today because I'm snowed in.

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I'm not familiar with ZDL so I'm not sure what you mean.


ZDL can save launch parameters as .ZDL files which can be launched by clicking on them.


Clicking "Resurgeance - D2.zdl" on the folder to the left (via Fences, an app) will launch what's described on the ZDL window. The version of GZDoom I picked, Doom2.wad as the iwad, and the list of files to load afterward.

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Aye I've got a bit of an issue, I can't add files from my computer anymore. I can still download from the archive, but it's really annoying to have to manually pack files into a .zip and put them in the directory.

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  Jaxxoon R said:

Aye I've got a bit of an issue, I can't add files from my computer anymore. I can still download from the archive, but it's really annoying to have to manually pack files into a .zip and put them in the directory.


You shouldn't need to put them in zip files. Can you walk me through what you're doing so I can look into it? It may be an issue that is addressed in the next version.

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I select a file to add (whether it be through drag n' drop or the menu) but it doesn't create the zip file in the gamewads folder or an entry in the launcher archive. The progress window shows up without a progress bar for split second and then nothing happens. Downloading wads from the internal Idgames archive frontend still works, for some reason.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to version 1.1.0.
New Features:

Tagging: Allows users to define their own tags to organize their library. Each tag can optionally have it's own tab in Doom Launcher and specified color.

The creating tags menu can be accessed by selecting Manage Tags in the options menu in the top left or by right clicking a file and selecting Tags -> Manage Tags.

To tag/untag a file just right click and select the tag you want under the tag menu.

Selecting files: Now when loading a zip you can select the individual files you want to load. These will be saved if Remember Settings check box is checked.

Update package (only if you upgrading from a previous version, just overwrite the files):

New package:

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Thanks for the update! I've just updated the launcher. Several things I wanted to ask after some testing:

(1) I think 'remeber settings' is still not working properly. It seems to remember the very first setting I configured for it. Say, I loaded doom2.wad with beautiful doom, and even though later I add other mods (or delete bdoom) while 'remember settings' keep checked on it just remembers bdoom only. Same with the map level. I cannot change to other settings once it remembers it!

(2) I selected doom2.wad with additional file bdoom.zip, and clicked 'select individual files' but it only shows doom2.wad, not the individual wads in bdoom.zip. Am I doing something wrong?

(3) Tags are working fine so far! I just hope that when I add an additional file there's a way to know what tags are attached to it. Maybe adding another tab for 'tags' but it might be just too much to show all the tags for some users. So I think making it possible to choose a file by browsing through tags (somewhat similar to ordinary file explorer) would be great.

(4) Some frontends let users save the current configuration into a seperate file so that you can come back to the setting much more conveniently. I think it's really useful due to the nature of doom mods, you know (huge huge amount of mods, resulting a variety of different possible combination of them). Remembering the current setting is good, but I think making it to essentially remember several different settings like this is also a good idea.

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Thanks for the feedback Incantor.

(1) I'm not sure what's going on here. Settings are tied to each individual file and should update as long as the box is checked and as long as you click OK. I might need to work with you to figure what is going on.

(2) You are not doing anything wrong. This feature only works with the current file. I want to add the feature to expand to the additional files but this is tricky and going to take some time :)

(3) Currently when you select a file it shows the tags on the right side. I plan on adding a search feature.

(4) I can understand that. I will come up with a feature for a future release!

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  • 2 months later...

I've been really busy lately. Let me know what you guys would like to see in a future release and I will try to find some time to prioritize and get something out.

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  • 1 month later...

Yo, I've got this weird problem where I can no longer connect to /idgames through this thing. It simply states "Error retrieving data from idgames" when I try and it is most sad. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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The mirror you are using is probably down. Click the menu at the top and select settings. Then change the Mirror Url option and click save. You will need to restart the application after for it take affect. The next release will fix this issue of having to restart after pressing save. Let me know if this works.

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It works now, thanks for your cooperation~.

Now uh, as for a suggestion, it would be nice if the program remembered how you had the different tags arranged (Filename, mod name, etc).

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  • 2 months later...

Doom Launcher 2.0.0 is finally complete. This one comes with a ton of bug fixes and some cool new features, most notably zdl file support. This means for those of you with zdl libraries looking to switch you can now drag and drop your zdl files to add them to Doom Launcher. Just make sure your IWAD names and source ports use the same names in Doom Launcher. You will get a descriptive error for when things do not match up.

Another fun one is you can now add demos that were not created by Doom Launcher. I'm lazy and I hate typing command line stuff. When the file is selected just select the Demos tab at the bottom and right click and select Add File. This applies for screen shots and save games as well but I'm not sure how useful this will be.

Change log:

  Reveal hidden contents

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  • 1 month later...
  On 11/22/2015 at 12:45 AM, Brewtal_Legend said:

This won't work for 32-bit win xp? I tried checking it out but got an error saying "not a valid win-32 application". So I guess that means it won't work on win xp?


You are correct. It uses .NET 4.5 which has a minimum requirement of Vista.

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