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Doom Launcher - Doom frontend & database v3.7.4 (12/2023)

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12 minutes ago, hobomaster22 said:

It might be locked to managed files only. I should be able to add it for unmanaged as well.

That would be great!  Thanks!

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Aaah, and I'm late. Maybe in next version please. Some small error.


Manually added this "nostalgia.zip" to DoomLauncher


and getting this error when trying to update metadata for it.


I thought filename is unique on /idgames, but turned out it's not.



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3 hours ago, Deil said:

Aaah, and I'm late. Maybe in next version please. Some small error.


Manually added this "nostalgia.zip" to DoomLauncher


and getting this error when trying to update metadata for it.


I thought filename is unique on /idgames, but turned out it's not.



Can you download from the id games tab? You might need to change the id games url in the settings. 

Edited by hobomaster22

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Glad to see you're still working on this, and thanks for the update! 


Also, if you ever add drag and drop functionality to the Additional Files / Load Order section in a future build, I'll name my firstborn Hobo.

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7 hours ago, hobomaster22 said:

Can you download from the id games tab? You might need to change the id games url in the settings. 


Yeah, after I deleted this wad and downloaded it from "Id Games" tab it worked just fine, it updates metadata correctly, i.e. dialog with 2 versions of nostalgia.zip shows up. No error.

Also I deleted it once again, added it manually like I did before, and there was no error on updating metadata as well.

No idea what was causing it. There was ~20 other wads downloaded from /idgames at the same time along with nostalgia.zip when that error showed up, and only nostalgia gave me that error.

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Sorry for the late comment, I didn't see the thread updated, and it may not make a difference now that 3.6.3 is out, but when I updated to GZDoom 4.9, and then 4.10, everything was still working for me. Though this might be because I kept using the new GZDoom versions in portable mode, so as far as Doom Launcher was concerned nothing had changed.


I do want to say a very big thank you @hobomaster22 for this launcher. I dabbled a bit with launchers in the past but never really felt the need for one, I was always fine keeping my own cataloguing and just drag-and-drop or batch files for launching. Doom Launcher changed this for me though, thanks to @Devalaous drawing my attention to it (and selling it really well :P ) I've been using and enjoying it it since September. I love how it combines on one hand a nice looking UI to track statistics and completions and the tags system, and on the other hand all the advanced functionality for loading, parameters, etc. The latter is pretty prevalent in launchers, but the former sets it a bit apart, and the presentation really grew on me. It's been fun playing wads and watching the numbers go up. I think I also saw warnings about it not working super well with hubs, but so far I've got it to work perfectly with most of the hub wads I've thrown at it. So, a big thank you for making this and keeping it updated!

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For hubs in GZDoom you have to actively trim the older statistics, or as I like to do, delete ALL the statistics on the final level, use 'changemap [x]' to travel to the same final level your on after maxing out kills items and secrets, thus generating an autosave, then quitting. Every hub level's most recent statistic will then be recorded, all in numerical order. I did this with Hexen and Daedalus after getting frustrated with the many duplicate statistics


Changemap is also the only method to track the stats of the final level of a wad in GZDoom.

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Yeah I’ve been trimming for hubs as well, but I’ve noticed the problem only appears for specific maps. I think that the stats counter gets thrown off by extra enemies being spawned directly by script on a revisit, so that the multiple stat recordings for the same map have different maximums. I’m not entirely sure, but in other cases DL seemed to handle things just fine.


i was initially doing a changemap but now I’m using the FinalLevel script that was linked earlier, which seems to just do it automatically. Stopper or credit maps are also nice because if you just take them out of the map list then everything works perfectly too, as do pwads that just keep going into iwad maps.


Actually I was wondering about something related. I thought with ZDoom that DL would read stats on any save, but for me it only seems to work on an autosave at the next level, the current level never gets read even when saving. Is this normal or did I miss something?

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Its always been autosave only for me. A manual save will also record all the previous levels beaten, hence why I changemap e1m8 at the end of E1 instead of just saving. Then once the map reloads with my inventory intact, I save game as say 'Episode 1 100%' (New save slot, not overwriting), quit, and then the final level's stats will record, and I have a save I can backup to regain those stats if need be. I actually had to do part of that recently thanks to the big GZDoom save location transfer issue. Spent a whole night reorganising hundreds of saves.

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On 12/9/2022 at 9:08 PM, hobomaster22 said:

It might be locked to managed files only. I should be able to add it for unmanaged as well.

That was really quick!  I feel a little bit bad pulling you away from Helion.  But really appreciate having that rename button, and the workflow path you suggested for updated WAD files works really well.  Thanks again!

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8 minutes ago, DrR0Ck said:

That was really quick!  I feel a little bit bad pulling you away from Helion.  But really appreciate having that rename button, and the workflow path you suggested for updated WAD files works really well.  Thanks again!

Nah, don't feel bad I wanted to do it. A lot of people get a lot of use out of Doom Launcher so I will continue to support it. I also use it extensively to manage ports for testing maps and categorizing test maps for Helion.

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20 hours ago, hobomaster22 said:

Nah, don't feel bad I wanted to do it. A lot of people get a lot of use out of Doom Launcher so I will continue to support it. I also use it extensively to manage ports for testing maps and categorizing test maps for Helion.

Thanks!  Just a quick follow up on the workflow:  I am not certain that dragging and dropping a file with the same filename is updating an existing record.  The reason I think this may be the case is that I have all of my existing WAD files available on the Local tab.  If I drag in another file with the same filename as an existing record, I end up with a new record on the untagged tab.  I still only see one copy on the local tab, but I believe they are separate within the database because the one on the Local tab is tagged and the one on the Untagged tab is not.  In addition, I can delete the new record on the Untagged tab without affecting the original record.  I only discovered this after attempting to update a handful of WADs and found untagged copies on the Untagged tab.  I haven't done anything like more definitive testing, but I am happy to do so if it would help, but I gathered that a new file with an existing filename would "overwrite" the existing record, thus updating information like the Maps, etc.


Edit - OK I can now confirm that the newer renamed ZIP is not being rescanned by the older existing record.  In my most recent test, the existing WAD had 27 levels, and the newly imported renamed WAD has 29.

Edited by DrR0Ck

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On 12/12/2022 at 9:31 AM, DrR0Ck said:

Thanks!  Just a quick follow up on the workflow:  I am not certain that dragging and dropping a file with the same filename is updating an existing record.  The reason I think this may be the case is that I have all of my existing WAD files available on the Local tab.  If I drag in another file with the same filename as an existing record, I end up with a new record on the untagged tab.  I still only see one copy on the local tab, but I believe they are separate within the database because the one on the Local tab is tagged and the one on the Untagged tab is not.  In addition, I can delete the new record on the Untagged tab without affecting the original record.  I only discovered this after attempting to update a handful of WADs and found untagged copies on the Untagged tab.  I haven't done anything like more definitive testing, but I am happy to do so if it would help, but I gathered that a new file with an existing filename would "overwrite" the existing record, thus updating information like the Maps, etc.


Edit - OK I can now confirm that the newer renamed ZIP is not being rescanned by the older existing record.  In my most recent test, the existing WAD had 27 levels, and the newly imported renamed WAD has 29.

I meant to respond to this earlier. There are some problems specifically with unmanaged files dealing with updates. I used a mixed mode but mostly use managed files and it seems to function fine this way. I have played with unmanaged files a bit and noticed they don't seem to update the same way.

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On 12/12/2022 at 9:31 AM, DrR0Ck said:

Thanks!  Just a quick follow up on the workflow:  I am not certain that dragging and dropping a file with the same filename is updating an existing record.

I just realized if you are using unmanaged files the file name doesn't matter. The entire file path including the file name has to be the same.

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10 hours ago, hobomaster22 said:

@DrR0Ck I found a couple problems that I fixed with unmanaged files. Let me know if this works better for you. The best way to update an unmanged file is to overwrite the file in windows, then right click in Doom Launcher and use the resync option.



Yep - that did the trick!  Thanks very much!

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1 hour ago, Floowand said:

This error appears when I try to launch an iwad (anything tbh) with DSDA Doom v0.24.3


What are the parameters when you click show next to Preview Launch Parameters?

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Hello, I haven't been able to find a way around this so I might as well just ask. For context, I want to 100% the stats for Ancient Aliens in DL, however, at the end of each episode you are not taken to the next level, meaning I have to select the next episode manually by starting a new game. How do I continue to record my stats without losing all the previous levels I have recorded in that case? Is there a mod I can use for me to be taken to the next episode? It could be handy for Doom 1 WADs, where I guess I'd face the same issue. Thanks in advance for any tips

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9 hours ago, SharkyChip said:

Hello, I haven't been able to find a way around this so I might as well just ask. For context, I want to 100% the stats for Ancient Aliens in DL, however, at the end of each episode you are not taken to the next level, meaning I have to select the next episode manually by starting a new game. How do I continue to record my stats without losing all the previous levels I have recorded in that case? Is there a mod I can use for me to be taken to the next episode? It could be handy for Doom 1 WADs, where I guess I'd face the same issue. Thanks in advance for any tips

DL pulls the stats from different ports in different ways. Which port are you using? I think there are way to solve this but they differ per port (I use GZDoom and the solution is linked in the OP).

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I'm not entirely sure if this would be a useful feature, but would it be possible to have the "add" feature remember the last tag category you opened? I think it would be a timesaver for some people, as it would automatically open whatever user-made tag category if they had previously gone to it before. I figured I'd post a screenshot of exactly what I'm talking about, in case it helps (my mouse cursor is where the "add" button is): 


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10 hours ago, SharkyChip said:

Hello, I haven't been able to find a way around this so I might as well just ask. For context, I want to 100% the stats for Ancient Aliens in DL, however, at the end of each episode you are not taken to the next level, meaning I have to select the next episode manually by starting a new game. How do I continue to record my stats without losing all the previous levels I have recorded in that case? Is there a mod I can use for me to be taken to the next episode? It could be handy for Doom 1 WADs, where I guess I'd face the same issue. Thanks in advance for any tips




Like so?


AA was designed with episode resets in mind, so the ending maps for each episode wont be recorded in GZDoom naturally, I recorded the end of Episode 1 by using changemap map10 in the console to warp from the end of map 10, back to map 10, saving the stats of the final map. In your case, you could enter changemap map11 to travel to the next map with inventory intact, although its technically cheating and will throw off the balance. Always use changemap at the very end of a map after youve maxed out the stats, if you want the full statistics recorded; the command basically simulates an exit right there and then, complete with intermission

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a question about the best way to manage files with multiple wads in DL. As an example take Doomkid's Jamal Jones project, it's a simple zip files with 3 wads, each wad contains different maps but replacing the same slots (namely MAP01-20). It's pretty easy to boot into one set of maps or the other using "select individual files", but I'm wondering how this will work for the statistics, will it only record the stats of the first wad and then ignore the others, or is there a way to get it to properly record cumulative stats of all 60 maps even if they share names? Can you even add the same file multiple times? (that does not seem to work when I tried it; I still see only one instance of the file, but I can't even remove it anymore.) I realize the most foolproof solution would be to split the zip into 3, but it's also an unwieldy solution. It's not a big issue since it just affects cumulative stats, so I can live without it, but I'm just wondering if I'm missing something.

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1 hour ago, brick said:

I have a question about the best way to manage files with multiple wads in DL. As an example take Doomkid's Jamal Jones project, it's a simple zip files with 3 wads, each wad contains different maps but replacing the same slots (namely MAP01-20). It's pretty easy to boot into one set of maps or the other using "select individual files", but I'm wondering how this will work for the statistics, will it only record the stats of the first wad and then ignore the others, or is there a way to get it to properly record cumulative stats of all 60 maps even if they share names? Can you even add the same file multiple times? (that does not seem to work when I tried it; I still see only one instance of the file, but I can't even remove it anymore.) I realize the most foolproof solution would be to split the zip into 3, but it's also an unwieldy solution. It's not a big issue since it just affects cumulative stats, so I can live without it, but I'm just wondering if I'm missing something. 

I think the only this works is to split it into three entries in Doom Launcher.

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1 hour ago, hobomaster22 said:

I think the only this works is to split it into three entries in Doom Launcher.

Is there a way to do this within Doom Launcher without having to split the actual file and load each of them separate into DL?

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Nope. I'd just make a zip inside DoomLauncher's managed files, put the first wad in it along with any text files, and duplicate it for the other two. Sync DoomLauncher to pick up the three new zips, and name the entry manually so its part 1, 2 and 3 and they'll appear next to each other

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