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Teh Supar-31337 New Fredrik Art

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Fredrik, you rock. That barrel has real depth to it, almost looks rendered. You and dsm should come together to draw one of those really cool detailed black&white comics, based on Doom. You know you want to.

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Great work, I especially like that grated metal surface next to the barrel.
As for the marine, I think his pants look a bit strange imo - something about the wrinkles.
And where are his shoulder plates?

You and dsm should come together to draw one of those really cool detailed black&white comics, based on Doom.

I have considered doing a comic based on my fanfic, but I feel that I don't have the time to do it....yet.
Maybe I'll reconsider once Doom 3's out - it might provide a great deal of inspiration.

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As for the marine, I think his pants look a bit strange imo - something about the wrinkles.

Yeah, made of some kind of stiff futuristic stuff.

And where are his shoulder plates?

Since when were they necessary?


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Well, it's Doom - not Quake 2 ;-)
Nah, the shoulder plates aren't necessary, but they make the marine look cooler imo :-)

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"My name is Fredrik Johansson, I come from Sveeeeeden..."

freddy that's simply gorgeous. It's actually really Doomy, unlike some of the stuff you see and think, wtf is that from? *cough, doom comic, cough*

I may even have it as wall paper for a bit! Good stuff.

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Insomniac said:

wow...where'd you say you got this screenshot from? :P


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The coloured version is great.
Now my question to you is: Did you let your last piece of art be less detailed on purpose or have you just improved your skills a lot in a matter of insanely short time?
The thing is that I'm impressed with this drawing - I wasn't too impressed with your last drawing to be perfectly frank, but you seem to have improved your colouring skills in this one.

Another thing: What did you use to make that background so (almost perfectly) black? I can't make such a black background with a pencil - at least not without spending forever working it over again and again.

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Did you let your last piece of art be less detailed on purpose or have you just improved your skills a lot in a matter of insanely short time?

I think I simply spent more time with this.

The thing is that I'm impressed with this drawing - I wasn't too impressed with your last drawing to be perfectly frank, but you seem to have improved your colouring skills in this one.

This one was easier to color too.

Another thing: What did you use to make that background so (almost perfectly) black? I can't make such a black background with a pencil - at least not without spending forever working it over again and again.

A very soft lead pencil + some postprocessing in PSP.

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A very soft lead pencil + some postprocessing in PSP.

How long time did you spend on doing that dark background with the pencil?

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Man Fredrik you are the best! Why that Bull Demon anyways? Can't you draw a Cyber Demon against some Marines :)? I wish i could draw like you....

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How long time did you spend on doing that dark background with the pencil?

Hmm... 10 mins or less. Just a single layer drawn with decent pressure.

The pencil is pretty thick too.

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Man Fredrik you are the best!

Of course ;]

Why that Bull Demon anyways? Can't you draw a Cyber Demon against some Marines :)?

At first I thought I'd do a Cybie or something powerful, but I realized that it would become too much like the DOOM2 title pic (even though I have not ever tried drawing a Cyberdemon so I'm not sure how good it would turn out). I decided to draw a Demon because it seems like no one ever draws one of them :P

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Ultimate Demon said:

Man Fredrik you are the best! Why that Bull Demon anyways? Can't you draw a Cyber Demon against some Marines :)? I wish i could draw like you....

cyber demons, hmph. A true Doomer would rather see Doomguy one on one with a Demon or imp than the endlessly over-used and tacky David v. Goliath-style drawing.

Remember how the Doom comic ended? I rest my case.

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This drawing makes me want to do a drawing of the doomguy wiping out a large group of uglies with his mighty BFG
Haven't seen a drawing of the doomguy utilizing a BFG (Fredrik's other pic showed a BFG, but not in use)
Damn, I wish I could get a closer look at the Doomguy's helmet in the new Doom game - I'd hate to draw him all Doom 3 style and then add an old Q3A style helmet. I haven't come up with a great helmet idea that matches the look of the helmet in the Macworld video yet.

Oh well, gotta finish all my other drawings first.

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A very nice sketch you've drawn there, fred, well done
personally i have a couple of critical statements to make from my honest opinion if you would hear me out :)

1. I think the head of that demon is sort of big. It just seems so to me by common sense. If it's a special demon you created there, that'd be considered another case. It is truely creative that you have rather drawn another demon other than cyberdemon, that kept that boring old feeling apart among the fanarts.

2. Is that a cell phone on the marine's back? heh.

[EDIT]Actually I have created my own demon in about a year ago when I was going to do it on a project for my English class purposely, which was named "Hyperdemon". I've drawn that on a crappy-folded college rule paper, I doubt I still have it kept, which is too bad. I have scanned it once in an extremely small size through a scanner that I borrowed from my friend and showed it to Ganja, one of the fellows from doom dm community, however I lost it now. What I can remember now from the that demon is that it sort of looks a bit like UT's Metal Guard, with 2 metal horns, armor plates on both shoulders, mysteriously charming eyes and short spikes somewhere on its body. I'd say it was reasonably decent. I didn't really spend time to make a serious sketch out of the demon due to the time was running before I had to turn it in as for a grade. I just outlined it without casting shadows and such. I might be able to re-draw it someday in the future once I can pull the concept of Hyperdemon back from my memory back.

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2. Is that a cell phone on the marine's back? heh.

In the 22nd century, that is a supercomputer... in case you didn't know.

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By the way, how'd you make the color version of it? Was it half computer-generated or final result of with holy color pencil skills?

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