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Just wanted to say this is my favourite mod at the moment. Running it with the hi-res sound pack is a great combo.

However, the small candles with the animated flame look silly and the coloured torches could use work imo.

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Yeah, I'm taking forever about it but I do plan to let the player toggle between the fancy torches and more classic style ones, since not everyone's down on the hi-res ones. Anyway, thank you!

In other news, update! I finished the missing zombie rotations, and zombiemen now randomly choose one of three skins when they spawn in. A full changelog of the other tasties is on the Zdoom thread, but those are the major additions.

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Another update! I might as well start posting the patch notes if I'm going to bump the thread. The most popular fix will probably be the increased density of blood decals on the walls, which were a little sparse before.

-blood now properly splatters on the walls, especially after gibbings
-finished rotations for shotgunner attack
-added random skins for shotgunguy (credit to Xim)
-added random skins for imp (credit to ItsNatureToDie)
-tweaked rocket explosion tickrate/graphics (thanks to Minigunner for his excellent sprites)
-light decorations are now toggleable between classic and "fancy" styles
-slight animation, alignment tweaks/fixes

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I hate to bump and triple post at the same time, but, uh, there was another update. SORRY

-added new option to make pain elementals pop in a shower of gore when killed
-replaced "skullface shotguy" with "goggles shotguy" (the skull looked too much like an eyepatch)
-tweaked Plasma Rifle fire animation (OSJ for president)
-fixed burning barrel, added classic-style animation
-added mancubus xdeath (it's a messy one!)

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I've taken a closer look at this mod now. It seems like a lot of the animations have only a few limbs being smoothed out while others merely "jump" into position by virtue of not having been modified. Again I point to the example of the baron's legs when throwing his fireball.

By all means, this is some great work, but I feel that it's sorely lacking in quite a few animations.

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There are certainly animations that look awkward; it's an iterative process. I'm in the process of tweaking a lot of the imp deaths right now.

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I am sincerely impressed over here, nicely done. It is a good thing to take an existing sprite and make it flow better.

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Thank you very much! And to the rest of you, too, thank you. I truly appreciate it.

The lights were a quick fix, I'll try and scrounge up some extra stuff to justify an update in the next day or two.

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It seems this mod breaks my ACS doors. I use "CheckInventory("*Card")==1" to check if player has the key which works perfectly without SD.

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This mod redefines the card actor names and has a custom LOCKDEF, that could be it.

edit: Very small update is up.

-added more gore to optional pain elemental death
-alignment fixes
-fixed missing dynamic lights for classic-style torches

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I really dig the monster sprite randomization, kind of adds to something to the game for whatever reason. I'm happy dynamic lights are back in, too.

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Any chance of incorporating some assets from Beautiful Doom, The main things I miss from Beautiful are the interactive decorations (twitching corpses could be put out of their misery, they'd bleed etc.) and some of the gibbing features (caco eyes falling out after death.)

Just a thought, the points in favour of smooth doom are

1. Weapons still sound meaty, wasn't a fan of the chaingun in beautiful.

2. Monster sprite randomization is really cool, any chance of a few more zombie types though?

3. Lots of features can be turned on and off, so many people forget this but it really shows you care about the player.

Keep up the good work!

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There's lots of BeauDoom features I've thought about; destructible objects were never really my thing, so I'd initially crossed those out, but I hear tell that someone might be doing them for me, and in that case I would definitely add it. One thing I've considered over and over again is the footstep sounds, which I think are a big deal in any first person game. Still, I think they're a little perpendicular to the project and sound files take so much room it would just be a can of worms (not that I didn't want with all my heart to include the Trent Reznor player sounds :P).

Thanks again, you guys! More zombies are on the way, although I still need another shotgunner and I'm out of ideas. Any thoughts, maybe?

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some kind of 'security' shotgunner? I'm thinking bullet proof vest ala Half Life 1 style. Just a thought.

(or a shotgunner wearing doomguy style armour, always confused me that the zeds are meant to be security personal and marines sent in before DG but they have such different looking armour.)

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I was toying with the idea of a Z-sec themed shotty, but I want to be careful about going too far out-of-universe.

In other news, CH-CH-CHANGES! It's a good one, I think; every change feels like it means something. (Oh, and be forewarned, the E1 intermission screen is facing some weirdness in GZDoom that I'm still figuring out; it's not a big deal, but it does look funny)

-improved intermission screen for Knee Deep in the Dead
-alignment fixes
-added headless zombieman (credit to Solmyr for his excellent feral zombie sprites)
-added second imp variant (credit to ItsNatureToDie)
-removed "fancy explosions" option
-monster variants are now toggleable
-removed some artifacting gunk from the super shotgun barrel (was bugging the piss out of me)
-improved several imp deaths (new frames and everything!)
-changed Doom64 rocket launcher sprites to restore THE BLUUUUUUUUE

EDIT: disregard any previous edits to the contrary, the monster deaf tag issue has been fixed. NOW I'M GOING TO SLEEP

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-improved intermission screen for The Shores of Hell
-a_noblocking is no longer delayed in some imp deaths
-tweaked pistol fire animation
-added toggleable weapon recoil (works without mouselook!)

EDIT: another update; I've already double posted so I won't make a third one. :P

-bit the bullet and cut imp death #3 (the one I did) for looking weird
-moved to OSJ's knuckle duster sprites
-added a couple of new gore decorations (ALL GLORY TO OSJ)
-added 6-8 rotations to imp pain state (thanks to David G!)
-improved nuke splash
-fixed GZDoom intermission screen weirdness!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another update:

-blood drops finally disappear in water (SidDoyle is my hero)
-smooth intermission screen for Inferno
-added Sprite Fixing Project intermission graphics (you are here, splat, etc.) (credit to Revenant100)
-improved cacoball explosion
-improved BFG firing animation
-MUCH improved barrel idle animation (stolen from Doom4Ever, exact credit unknown)
-fixed some texture-related startup errors
-fixed BFG lightning decal not appearing
-fixed headless zombieman not appearing
-reversed pistol muzzle flash to match other guns
-alignment, rotation fixes
-improved blood pooling on imp death #5
-smooth skulls'n'torches prop
-Project Overlord Commenced

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I am extremely pleased to say that we've just reached the all-monsters-finished milestone. Check the OP for a new trailer! It's neat!

Changelog for the new version:
-Spider Mastermind complete!
-Cyberdemon complete!
-smooth rocket smoke
-added classic-style animations to candelabra and candlestick (sprites: OSJ)
-Archvile Xdeath (sprites: David G)
-new Chaingunner death (sprites: Itsnaturetodie)
-slight improvements to various zombie deaths
-casings that hit the ceiling will now disappear in water
-cleaned up SSG sprites slightly
-added option for faster pinkies
-added option for Duke Nukem explosions (sprites: 3D Realms, Minigunner)
-added option for plasma sparkles (sprites: OSJ)
-added option for alternate berserk sprite (sprite: OSJ)

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Such a great mod! Making things optional shouldn't be optional!

I do have a couple suggestions:

Make the recoil strength higher. Seems a little weak.

Nightmare version looking monsters. If there is a way to make imps and other creatures take on the pinky fuzz effect that would be cool. They don't really need new powers or anything, just a cool way to add some more variety.

If you are going to add footsteps, http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=35388 is pretty awesome.

AND my most non vanilla suggestion, which I saved for last...
What do you think about incorporating a rifle in some way, Perhaps soldiers drop it and it fires a two shot burst like a single press of the trigger with the mini gun? As an option? The mechanics could still be kept in the realm of vanilla. If it fired with the accuracy and 2 shot burst of the minigun on a quick trigger pull it would be useful and fix the problem of getting to see rifles and never hold one. Along the same line, in Brutal Doom there is a pistol zombie sprite that might be awesome if Sgt. Mark doesn't mind.

Thanks for the great mod bro!

Edit: Maybe the rifle could be a second "skin" for the pistol as you have done with some of the other guns.

Also, I forgot to mention it would be nice to use the original hand and pistol sprites as an option. That's all, back to playing!

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