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High resolution sprites

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I decide to post thread here, because that's what I'm currently working on is some kind of representetion of Doom in more new-gen style. Give me some criticism before I start doing animation for high resolution sprites.

Here's few renders of my Imp. There are no glowing eyes yet and UI still working on skin.

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joe-ilya said:

His face looks like a turtle.

Well, that's not bad for an imp: they are, after all, somewhat reptilian in appearance, movement, hissing etc.

Doominator2 said:

I dont know how long I've waited to see a good 3d model of one of the classic doom monster designs.

I take that you're not familiar with Doom Ascension then?

@Reinchard: I think that you should join forces with NiuHaka if you really have the will to pursue this project to the end, there's no point in reinventing the wheel.

We've seen such projects come and go all the time, some of the modelers being more skilled than others, but very few ever ended up being used in a functional engine, and so far only Doom Ascension has more than one animated monster.

Also, FWIW, nobody has ever produced a complete set of "high resolution sprites" (meaning, 2D images with a fixed set of rotations) that work in any port. Actually, nobody has ever produced a single complete monster in that fashion. At least you're doing the Right Thing (TM) and you are using 3D models as a base....there were people who actually thought that scaling the low-res sprites up with a bunch of filters would be "just as good", or who thought that they could hand-draw/edit everything.

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Well that's rather impressive.
Keep up the good work.

Nice to see some good 3D designs of the classic monsters.

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Geometrically, this is about as direct a translation of the original as you can get. Looks fantastic. My only quip: The brown skin of the imp seems as though it ought to be a rough, leathery, scaly texture. It is, after all, somewhat reptilian in appearance. Making it fleshy would work for the demon, but imp is begging for a rough, harder exterior.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm make some quick test of walk animation. This one looks little strange, because is precisely based on original Imp animation (there are some problem with this - not every frame are correct each other, look at original Doom frames of Imp and you will see some inconsistencies in the position of the arms and legs). So, this walk animation is based on original frames:


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Guest Unregistered account

The animation actually looks OK, but maybe make him not quite so stooped over. :/ I appreciate that it gives it a more sly/stealthy/bigger appearance, but... I dunno. I suppose this is just a test 'mation.

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The problem is that the walking animation doesn't give the impression that there's muscle and bones beneath the surface. I don't know much anything about 3D animation, so I won't pretend I'm an expert, but there needs to be a certain fluidity that suggests the expanding and contracting of muscles.

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Thanks for opinion guys. Muscles are working, maybe this resolution does not allow for notice this. This is still early wip. But I'm made some other test - this time I use attack frames. I try to set my skeleton in exactly the same pose as original sprite on every angle, but as before there are some inconsistencies between frames, not big, but it was not always possible to set skeleton in the same position as original, because original imp frames are drawn by hand I think. This time I notice some silly leg movements. I'll do something with time between frames to get his hitting look dynamically then this.

Here's my frames set (based on original as far as this is possible):

Some of this have ugly seams, but this skin is unfinished yet.

And here's how it looks in motion :)

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Has that weird clay/plastic shininess that a lot of "modern" modeling seems to exhibit, but otherwise a lot better than other models I've seen and actually resembles the sprite pretty faithfully.

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I was expecting this to suck balls but uncanny valley-ness aside this is actually pretty good, it's high-res in a marathon-ish sort of way. Just needs a couple more frames so it doesn't look as jittery.

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This is very good! That is quality work there Reinchard.

I hope you carry on to make more monsters in the future too, because you definitely have the skill for it :)

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I'm still experimenting with different types of animation. I decide to make 8 frames for more smooth animation. Take a look:

In this test I don't have attack frames. There are some inconsistencies between "spawn" and "see" frames, and scale is not perfect, just ignore that, this is only test.

And I'm upgrade his skin a little:

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  • 3 weeks later...

He looks like someone from the Doom movie... Rather excellent quality model. It'd be kind of strange to have a bunch of clones runnin' round now that the exact features of the face are there to be seen, but hey.

Honestly though, as cool as it is that you've been aiming for accuracy to the original animations, they were always kind of awkward and unnatural-looking. It'd probably be a good idea to take a few liberties in the name of a more appealing final product.

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