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Better Art Done!!

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Hmm, that hairdo seems old-fashioned if you ask me and the armour vest looks too plain - looks like a T-shirt.
Other than that, good work.

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I didn't know there was a Doom/Tomb Raider crossover...

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Isn't it funny? I've been working on a female Doom marine for quite a while, so you may see a dsm drawn female marine sometime - but it wont be anytime soon - I'm trying to complete this non-Doom-related drawing as well as working on an improved version of my Doomguy marine.
Oh yeah, and one more comment on the drawing at hand: those pistols look kinda weak imho.
But she sure looks cute :-]

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dsm said:

Isn't it funny? I've been working on a female Doom marine for quite a while, so you may see a dsm drawn female marine sometime

MM, I just noticed britney spears tits on a cover of the newspaper.

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orion said:

MM, I just noticed britney spears tits on a cover of the newspaper.

Calm down orion - like I said: it wont be on deviantart soon, more like: it'll take several months at least before I have it completed. I may have worked on it rather long, but it's also the drawing I've worked the least on and the one I've had the most trouble with so far (I'm NOT used to drawing chicks, besides I want her to look like a marine rather than a p0rn model - something which has turned out to be harder than I thought).

Order of priorities:
1. Complete those damn annoying exams.
2. Complete Non-Doom related drawing (it will be computer game related)
3. Continue work on fanfics.
4. Resume work on mod.
5. Complete "The Doom marine MK. II" - takes longer than you probably think as I'm adding an actual background plus a foreground and middleground.
6. Complete (so far unnamed)'female' marine drawing.
7. add more links to fanfic index.
8. Start working on future drawings.

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ooh, I got a list of priorities too! You're not the only 'smart' one in here with a nice life plan! =P

my list:
1. get permit
2. get weed
3. sell weed
4. get money for new pc
5. get doom3
6. get laid
7. repeat 2 and 3 a few times
8. why not smack in there a couple of 6's while I'm at it?
9. move out
10. rest of life consists of 2, 3, and 6

OH god, that would be such a dream life.

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orion said:

ooh, I got a list of priorities too! You're not the only 'smart' one in here with a nice life plan! =P

Who said I'm 'smart'?
FYI: This list only just popped up more or less - it only gives a picture of what I feel is my priorities.
I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up not sticking to the priorities on that list.

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Of course you were, and I was just playing along....as always.

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but I made sure to put in a smily, unlike you! I'M NOT CARELESS WHEN IT COMES TO THINGS LIKE THIS!!!! =]

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needs a bit more shading, at first i thought she was actually drawn on the wall behind her. She's got the right lines though, and a nice zombie there. Don't be afraid to go for it, get your light 2b out and shade her up!

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Fredrik said:

She's hot :)

*Fzzzzzt* *OUCH!!!!*

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Okay, the shading looks bad 'cause instead of scanning it I took a digi-pic and put it up.

She has nothing to do with Lara Croft (or whatever TombRaider's name is) As a matter of fact I made sure to keep her realistic-if you know what I mean.

The hairdo was let down but I started thinking, "Would a marine be running around with long hair flying everywhere?" And what do you suggest to make the vest look better?

Thank you for the constructive criticism


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Laimiz said:

that's awsome, have you drawn any more like that?

Thankyou, no I haven't. It was the first of a kind. (Honestly, I had no idea it would tun out as good as it did.)

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KoolKat said:

The hairdo was let down but I started thinking, "Would a marine be running around with long hair flying everywhere?" And what do you suggest to make the vest look better?

Well, the female marine I'm working on has a shaved military cut - like Demi Moore in GI Jane. My comment about her hair being "old-fashioned" was aimed at that parting of her hair - she reminds me of female film stars from the 1940s or something and she definitely look too 'tidy' for a marine if you ask me. If you gotta give her long hair make it a bit messed up.

What I suggest to make the vest look better? Take a look at the "Crash" model in Q3A, use your imagination to add some gadgets or the like to the vest - anything that would help it to look like a solid armour vest rather than a strange T-shirt, that's what I'd suggest to make the vest better.

Dammit, I'm posting too many negative comments on this drawing - it is a good drawing after all, but it could be better :-)

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The chick in that art looks like that Asian chick from "the Today Show"...IMO anyway...

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KoolKat said:

She has nothing to do with Lara Croft (or whatever TombRaider's name is) As a matter of fact I made sure to keep her realistic-if you know what I mean.

Sorry dude, but a girl in a tight vest with big tits and a pair of pistols screams 'tomb raider' at me.
Maybe i'll be realistic and draw a really rough-looking female marine.

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At least her tits aren't humongously big like Lara's and at least she appears to have some muscles unlike Lara Croft.

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dsm said:

At least her tits aren't humongously big like Lara's and at least she appears to have some muscles unlike Lara Croft.


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i was thinking more of the movie. the games weren't really my cuppa tea.

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dsm said:

At least her tits aren't humongously big like Lara's and at least she appears to have some muscles unlike Lara Croft.

fuck muscles give me cushioning, I hate skinny anorexic girls, I want some meat round the ass... MMM MMM

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Spike said:

i was thinking more of the movie. the games weren't really my cuppa tea.

Oh? I haven't watched the movie and as for the games, I've only tried some of the demos - not my type of game (3rd person shooters with puzzles ain't me - especially because I can't see where I'm aiming).

orion: Well, my female marine wont be skinny (at least you wont be able to see if she is skinny because of the volume of the armour), but I don't think she'll be your taste either (no tight pants - I'm going for army pants on this one) - especially because I'm trying to make her look at least somewhat tough (the way she looks now, she makes Major from Q3A look like the cutie she really is - at least that's what I think).

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you think I like girls in tight pants? I like girls in no pants. =]
Nah, what the girl wears doesn't really mean much to me, means more whats under the clothes =]

damn, it's hard for me to say something serious on this subject, I keep ending up sounding typical. Bah.

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