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Doom 2 In Name Only: An indepth review thread

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That was interesting to read, thank you. Now if only I could find out what your particular instance of "show-out" meant! Since english is not my native language I'm not familiar with that particular word combination's meaning, and googling wielded some disturbingly opposing results, between which I can't seem to pick :X

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kmxexii said:

not to beat a dead horse but my review is up for all interested parties. there are some surprise authors i look forward to seeing again.

Thanks - always great to gather some input.

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Antroid said:

That was interesting to read, thank you. Now if only I could find out what your particular instance of "show-out" meant! Since english is not my native language I'm not familiar with that particular word combination's meaning, and googling wielded some disturbingly opposing results, between which I can't seem to pick :X

its not meant to be in a negative manner but it doesnt look like my intention is supported by any readily available source so youd have to pick it up via context. ill change it

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Also one thing I found out just now that blew my mind a little bit.
You wrote in there,

If his mapping style reflects his needs as a player, then he seems most closely related to the works of authors like Z86 of Hellbound.

I followed the Hellbound link and briefly looked at the screenshots... and realized that you were right more than you probably expected.

a hellbound screenshot
a screenshot of my project

Noone will ever believe that I didn't steal that... darn it.
There are a few other screenshots that are pretty similar to what I've made, but none quite as striking. I suppose you hit the nail on the head! I'll have to check that mapset out.

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Oh btw, like I said in my map31 max demo text file, Xaser's a good mapper but for some reason he uses W1 monster teleport lines in monster closets, so one revenant never teleports in (other monsters can get stuck too, if you stand on their desination).

Also these pics:
http://timeofdeath.wrvids.com/doom/d2ino31a.jpg (exit room, visual glitch shows the black floor raised)
http://timeofdeath.wrvids.com/doom/d2ino31b.jpg (exit room, wrong texture)

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Eris Falling said:

Out of interest, what was that exception to boring/bland tunnels in MAP22?

sorry on not getting back to you sooner but ive been doing a lot of traveling. anyway, there is a secret cavern annex coming off the southern tunnel leading to the red torch switch, the one with the lava that runs between the sarcophagi. if you had crammed the catacombs full of more interconnected passages like those (but not secrets) it would have been more appealing to me.

also, antroid, if you do check out hellbound, i hope you enjoy it. it really did seem like it was tailor-made to your style.

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