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How do you think Doom 4's music should be like?

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I'd like it ambient, but with an unlockable feature where you can choose the original soundtrack, only remastered (i.e. a new menu option appears after beating the game on UV etc.)

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I think that ambience would work better, at least nowadays. I'm not too sure if an 'action' soundtrack would be best for Doom.

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Ambiental music is the lazy choice, because it means they can remove all melody and just put background noise. See Doom 3. Good music like in Doom 1 (not even Doom 2) should be used.

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printz said:

Ambiental music is the lazy choice, because it means they can remove all melody and just put background noise. See Doom 3.

The original Doom 3 audio design plan was amazing (detailed in the third answer here). As far as I could tell only a couple of areas actually sound like this. I suppose Doom 4 is too fast paced for this idea to be successfully implemented.

I expect the level progression to be similar to Rage, without the hub obviously. Every level of Rage looks and feels unique and has its own musical identity (not as catchy as the classic id games, unfortunately). So that would be a great thing to do in Doom - a new, clearly different playlist for every level.

Remember Me's music is dynamic and responds to your actions in real time. Basically it gets more awesome the better you play. The actual tracks (not the edited OST versions) are very long so every situation is covered. That's not something that would work in a strictly linear or slow paced game like Doom 3. I get the impression that the new Doom allows a lot of freedom and variety in combat so a dynamic soundtrack might work well.

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printz said:

Ambiental music is the lazy choice, because it means they can remove all melody and just put background noise.

If ambiance is done good in a game, it sounds way better than if you add music in the background. To me, upbeat music in a FPS would be wayyyyy out of place these days.

If iD could make Doom say... like Dark Soul's ambiance. Where the atmosphere and sense of dread the game creates pulls you into the world, without any background noise or music disturbing the vibe, but still keeping you on your toes.

Now they COULD add fast tempo music or heavy songs during boss fights since the situation is intense and you are desperately trying to win. This in my opinion would go together perfectly.

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Creative techno-metal if they go for something besides ambient, focusing the music somewhere between the styles of System Shock 2 and Quake 2 would be awesome.

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joe-ilya said:

Heavy metal on short maps, ambient for others.

This is a great point. When you start a level and there's a badass tune going, it makes you want to just run through it and slaughter everyone. But when you're wandering around a complex Doom map, getting lost, trying to figure things out, etc, a metal song starts to wear on you after a while.

So basically, if the map is simpler and shorter, there should be energetic music. If it's more elaborate, go with atmospheric tunes or something like E1M5.

But with that said, who knows if Doom 4 will even have a traditional map structure. If anything, we'll get different music depending on if action is taking place.

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I wasn't a huge fan of what I heard from the QuakeCon reveal. It wasn't bad, but it didn't have that disturbing mood of the PSX/N64 soundtracks. I want to hear some really grim stuff, something akin to the soundtrack from "Alien" or "The Shining." If there's going to be any metal, it needs to be really dark, brooding instrumentals of the extreme metal variety; something along the lines of Sunn 0))), Portal, Morbid Angel, Autopsy, (early) Darkthrone, etc. None of that new school chug crap. Remember Painkiller's metal soundtrack? Awful. Just awful. We don't need that for Doom 4.

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scalliano said:

Give Aubrey Hodges a call.

Calling him now.

*5 minutes later*
Yeah, he said he'll be doing it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The older I get, the more I feel that chugging, in-your-face, overzealous metal just doesn't work in an FPS setting. Doom isn't exactly subtle, but judging from the demo, any use of metal should have an ambient, low-key quality to it.

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Guest Unregistered account

Now, I have to say I'm one of the few people who prefers the original far over the ambience. But it's already been revealed that the music will be ambient, so all I'm hoping for is that the title screen will be a warping version of that tortured soul face texture that's been duplicated to a). most of the Doom box art and b). Thy Flesh Consumed and Doom II's intermission screen, with a redone Sign of Evil playing in the background, and when the song ends maybe a random sound effect from the original games should play (it should alternate between DIEHI, the gibbing sound effect and the Demon sight sound, and all should be slightly echoe-y)?

Yes, I realise that most people would consider my suggestion as shit but hey, it's a pipe dream :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it should be dynamic and go from ambient creepy with scifi sounds between battles to double kick drums and heavy metal with demonic hell sounds during battles, kinda like in unreal where the music would change when you joined battle and then shift back.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Doom 4 should have a Thrashy, black and/or death metal soundtrack, with lots of flying solos, and no vocals.

Or perhaps make it in the vain of old-school Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer, and Pantera, just like the original games.

while i'm on the subject, WTF is wrong with some games these days, and the music they choose to promote it? I'm not a fan of assassin's creed (never really played it) but didn't they game some weak-ass pop song to promote that one about colonial america?

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I really don't think metal is really a requirement, if only because Doom had only a few tracks like that (Really!) and Doom II had even less. Doom did have a good mix of fast paced and slower stuff, which should be replicated. Guitars, though, would be better than techanything.

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Soundtrack is not a collection of your favourite songs. Its goal is to enhance the atmosphere and the visuals, to fit what's happening on screen. If you think you can slap together a number of metal tracks and call it a good soundtrack, you don't know what you're talking about.

That doesn't mean the soundtrack needs to be all-ambient, all-slow. The point I'm trying to make is that a good soundtrack is not just good music. It has to add to the visuals, not interfere with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like it should have some ambient music, but with little bits of metal mixed in at some parts with an echo effect. I hope you know what I'm talking about.

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