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Best MAP01


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You people must've had better experience than me with Sunset (from AV) which I dislike. On my first try I killed everything in 5 minutes, didn't find the bloody torch in the next >20 minutes and quit.

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hah I had the exact same experience vdgg. granted I was pretty young/impatient when AV came out, but I never actually beat that level legit until years later. left a sour taste in my mouth, for sure.

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Glad I'm not the only one who frustratedly skipped map01 after hunting in futility for ages. I was about 12, but when I found it I was like "Oh, you fuckers.."

That said, AV is a masterpiece.

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My fave MAP01's

Memento Mori II
Community Chest 3
Eternal Doom

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I'd already heard about the torch in Sunset so I exited no problem. It is the sort of thing that would have annoyed me if I couldn't find it though. How that design decision survived quality control I don't know.

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Huh. I didn't had any problems with that torch when I first played AV. Besides, doesn't that one torch stand out pretty obviously?

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pcorf said:

Community Chest 3

For me it was the worst (while not boring or bad) MAP01 out of the series, the other are just memorable and don't look like a casual level like CChest3's MAP01.

No, it really fits for a secret like that one level in E4 or in MAP09 of AV.

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how about stuff like ALT.wad or sacrment.wad which set absurd scenes - in ALT you're on an airplane or space shuttle full of Nazis which is revealed to be housing some sorts of psychoactive experiment! In Sacrament the whole opening map is a nightmare sequence about going out of your house!

also Aliens: TC with no monsters but lots of creepy atmosphere! unforgettable

there's also a megawad which opens with a zero monster map where the environment tries to kill you, but I can't recall the name...

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Memfis said:

Balls has what I consider to be the best start ever but it is only one map so that's offtopic. But check it out anyway!

Wow, that is really cool, but man, is there a more painful-sounding filename than "balls.zip"?

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