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Does there exist a good way to play specific mapset maps as if a separate wad?


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That is, I'm trying to think of a way to make a 'playlist' of maps from different map sets to be played in a sequence (preset or shuffled) without actually physically arranging the maps them into a new, separate wad. Since not all map sets can simply be loaded together due to map slot conflicts and overriding resources, some form of hot swapping would likely be involved. What are my options for this (via. ports or otherwise)?

Bonus points if specific maps could be forced into pistol starts, set to a given skill/gameplay mode, loaded with other specific resource wads, etc.

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I am not aware of any port which allows explicit "resource hot swapping" in the way you describe, though it wouldn't surprise me if there was some "jumping through hoops" way through some port's unusual/unsafe scripting features, and even then, not necessarily by using the WAD format.

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Far as I know, it isn't possible unless you are actually willing to put yourself through the effort of picking the maps from the wads and saving them into a new wad.

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Odamex can handle accessing every single map when loading several wads at once. Don't know if it handles resource conflicts though.

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How accessible do you want it to be? Do you want to play one map after the other immediately after the intermission?

I have a demo playlist that I made with a batch file, which plays demos one after the other, except demos quit out of the game on completion. A similar thing for playing wads would require you to manually quit out after each map, and then the batch file will automatically run doom on the next map for you. Writing the batch file script may be more cumbersome than just loading the maps individually, but you could write it in a lonely weekend.

also yes, odamex has a pretty sweet setup too. If you tell it where all your wad folders are you can just type "wad doom2.wad Av.wad Av.deh" in the console and it will load up alien vendetta without quitting out. You could possibly start a coop server with a map list made of various maps from various megawads and play it by yourself.

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I think it could be done trough the zdaemon LAN server way.
I am not one hundred percent certain though as i cant check it atm.
but i used it to play offline mode in survival mode gameplay that way.

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