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infighting based maps

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Haiy! If you're bored like me, how about make a map where infighting is the focal point, such as:
1) maybe a series of fights where the fastest speed way to win is to trigger infighting in fight 1, trigger it in fight 2, head back to fight 1 which is now mostly infought to death, do something, head back to fight 2 which is now mostly infought to death, bla bla bla
2) Ummmm, like maybe few weapons and tricky situations where you have to lure monsters toward eachother to try to get a fat arachnotron who is blocking something dead with pesky hitscan snipers that are more pesky since you have little ammo and bla bla bla
3) whatever you want that is infighting based, or something and stuff or whatever yo

Like totally


infggg1 and infggg2 (both with uvmaxes) in one zip:

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yo ggg, do you remember what map it was where you recorded a demo on an apparently broken version of it that erroneously placed the player in the middle of the map without any ammo? I recall some neat setups that would've been trivial with weaponry, but were surprisingly complex when done with infighting/fisting. I kinda wanna check that out again, could be a neat source of inspiration for making the kind of map you're looking for.

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Ribbiks said:

do you remember what map

Took some searching (site:doomworld.com/vb "gggmork" "player start" "meant to")

No of course THAT didn't find it, because "playerstart" was ONE word and he said "supposed to" not "meant to".

But that found it:
Filesmelt link is dead there I think (had demo and needed version of wad in it), it was called:
(old previous version of map 13 the hive with player start in wrong spot)
If you have it can you link it?

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I finished one:

infggg1.wad (for boom/doom2)

EDIT: uvmax of it:

Its not one of my favorite of my own maps (feckyoo map 3 is better imo but needs a big crusher at the end..). Maxed it with saves and now I'm sick of playing it, slightly experimental.

I'll check out the 8th annual abyssal speedmapping session.

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hah, that was pretty awesome. The key room setups were the most fun imo, the BK in particular was brilliant: very simple enemy placement, but surprisingly complex gameplay (e.g. making tradeoffs between killing off agro'd viles and waking more of them up before the 'timer' runs out, all while trying to avoid the edge of the room while evading rocket splash and constant meat-walls, great stuff!).

Only complaints are minor: the layout is pretty disorienting, and uv-max cleanup is kinda tedious. The latter is addressed elegantly enough in that you can simply the exit the map at any time after getting the keys, so nvm that one.

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Thanks for playing/feedback. I've played obhack maps (and that one you mentioned from the other thread with the start in the wrong position) and tyson maps that are a lot better in the mostly infighting/limited firepower regard. Often accidental/random/non-deliberate stuff is more fun. Like a map that happens to have a berserk in it but the author never intended or thought about tyson playthrough can be tricky/fun in ways that are too subtle/complex for someone to intentionally design. And obhack maps are random and often more fun than deliberate stuff.

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At first I was gonna make the revenant gauntlet a spiral where you have to go to the middle, a cyber warps, then spiral back out but didn't have very good results.

I made another map as punishment for bumping the thread:


This one, I'm like 80% sure its beatable, at first it was 'gameplay only' but then I got aesthetics-tarded, so it looks kinda cool imo.. I only have patience to do visuals for small areas. Small map, if you hit 2 opposite eye switches a cyber opens up. Maybe not final version, got burnt out before 100% tested.

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breakout 3: son of breakout, or maybe butt 2: assplay ?

eesh this is intense. Very straightforward up to a point if you take it slow, but once the PEs and AV get involved it gets pretty rough. It's definitely cool that you can dictate the pace of how hectic you want it to be, playing moderately aggressively seemed to be the most fun. Furthest I've made it in thus far is about 80 kills

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That was really hard (I put a uvmax for infggg2 in the top post (also a 100 kill fail)). I tried lots with 70ish kills, fail fail fail, then suddenly did these 2 runs right after eachother I think. Luckily one cyber died quickly when I got the ssg. Extremely frustrating (which seems to be my preferred style of map since I am insane). Yeah its similar to butt or breakout where you can't shoot for awhile or you'll die due to being surrounded. Final version for maps 1 and 2 since I uvmaxed both.

If anyone else wants to make an infighting based map, have at it. Or don't if you don't want to... or do if you don't want to, or don't if you do want to.

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