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Raymoohawk's sprite edits


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thanks guys, im not sure how muh i take per sprite, because i can only work on them sporadically and the designs change as i go along. i would say the average frame takes around 40 minutes, but the frames that involve designing, such as the first rotation and the attack and death frames take much longer. also the eliminator was inspired by the terminator, i had hopes that the terminator could be included in freedoom, but than i realized it used the baron as a base, so i decided to try and recreate it from scratch and it somehow morphed into the new design

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WIth these designs, some story about Dinosaurs would almost be fitting. Maybe something like a cross between Dino-Riders and Dinosaurs Attacks! with some of that good 'ol nonsense about mutations and "cyber-grafting' and what not. What I'm assuming to be the imp snake follows the Caco with a trilobite like design. It's actually a fairly good theme, and fits in with a recent trend in Dinosaurs.

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Clonehunter said:

WIth these designs, some story about Dinosaurs would almost be fitting. Maybe something like a cross between Dino-Riders and Dinosaurs Attacks! with some of that good 'ol nonsense about mutations and "cyber-grafting' and what not. What I'm assuming to be the imp snake follows the Caco with a trilobite like design. It's actually a fairly good theme, and fits in with a recent trend in Dinosaurs.

Perhaps a better idea would be to utilize some Creationist beliefs about how humans and dinosaurs coexisted, and then add something about eating fruit from the tree of knowledge, and then a whole bunch of mindless violence...

And after all of that, you and Eve get kicked out of the Garden of Eden.

"Thank you Doomguy! But the Eve is in another castle!"

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Clonehunter said:

It probably was. It just wasn't a good one.

At all.

OK, fine, how about this:

In the year 2015, scientists recover dinosaur DNA from tar pits and mosquitoes trapped in sap. After recombining this DNA with human DNA, they create new monsters for Freedoom... the DinoMonster!

edit: What offended you, Clonehunter, so I can apologize? I can't read minds... Do you find my religious beliefs to be offensive?

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If this sprite is still intended to replace the imp-replacement thingy, then glows could be problematic in as much as the imp uses the same images for the fireball attack (where a glow makes sense) and the melee attack (where a glow is less likely to make sense).

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It does look very awesome. But not sure a dino should be a hitscanner. Would make an awesome revenant, but he looks too tough to die so quickly. His melee attack would be smacking player with the weapon.

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thansk deathegg, im going to design several alterantives and let the guys decide wich one they want to add. i do intend to finish that guy even if it doesnt get in, because i have hopes for an eventual zdeep in freedoom, wich would have an expanded monster roster

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I think the lizard dude would be a great commando.
Maybe we could use the human designs for the WolfSS then? I remember someone suggesting that the SS soldiers could become common enemies once.

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i like the idea someone suggested of making a cyborg with a hand grafted gun. i did not make ths for freedoom, but its kinda what i had in mind for the wolofss

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Enjay said:

If this sprite is still intended to replace the imp-replacement thingy, then glows could be problematic in as much as the imp uses the same images for the fireball attack (where a glow makes sense) and the melee attack (where a glow is less likely to make sense).

All in the art, but something to be aware of for sure. I wasn't (nor am I) familiar with your project specs, pertaining to the imp frames being replaced.

HorrorMovieGuy said:

I think the lizard dude would be a great commando.
Maybe we could use the human designs for the WolfSS then? I remember someone suggesting that the SS soldiers could become common enemies once.

Not to butt in, but speaking from experience on this point... a sprite-by-sprite replacement of the blue trooper is generally marred by lacking other firing angles than those facing directly towards the player. A spherical droid or some such (like the one in Clonehunter's current icon), muzzle-flashing simultaneously in all directions, _might_ look alright. A biped's going to send the wrong signals when firing at other monsters.

EDIT:totally sweet looking cyborg.

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The Nazi's lack of rotations isn't hardcoded in the engine, nothing prevents Freedoom from having all rotations.

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