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Raymoohawk's sprite edits


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raymoohawk said:

i think ive finally settled on the updated design for the combat slug

here is a preview

Great work, as always!

i was thiking about adding it a small pool of blood below its body, what do you guys think?

As Gez already pointed out, this would need some matching slime trail, else it would not make sense at all. Since the engine is not capable of doing this, we should drop this idea.

also did the frame loose espresivity?

Sorry, but yes, a bit. What I liked about the old sprite was that it was a bit over-bright. This gave the slug a somehow greasy (like a diffusively reflecting fat film) visual appearance. Also, i liked the cuboid rocket launcher better than the rounded version. The slug itself is already rounded enough.

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fabian said:

...What I liked about the old sprite was that it was a bit over-bright. This gave the slug a somehow greasy visual appearance...

people over at zdoom also suggested that the skin should be brighter, so ill make a test using archvile colors, to see if i can make it work. i also wanted to try giving the skin a bit of texture, but im not sure

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fabian said:

What I liked about the old sprite was that it was a bit over-bright. This gave the slug a somehow greasy (like a diffusively reflecting fat film) visual appearance.

Disagree, to me it just had an amateurish "I made this in MSPaint" appearance.

Ray's edit is 100x better.

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The colors look much better. I'd even maybe suggest making his skin a little bit darker

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andrewj said:

it just had an amateurish "I made this in MSPaint" appearance.

to be fair a lot of talented spriters work with mspaint or even cruder tools. i think the problem with the originals was that the pallette conversion was poor. i supposse there where less reliable conversion options back then. yestarday i converted the source image on fraggle's site to doom pallete using photoshop and it converted very well

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fabian said:

What I liked about the old sprite was that it was a bit over-bright. This gave the slug a somehow greasy (like a diffusively reflecting fat film) visual appearance. Also, i liked the cuboid rocket launcher better than the rounded version. The slug itself is already rounded enough.

This could be restored by increasing the contrast a bit, or adding some near-white highlight streaks in parts to give it a shinier texture. Still doable while retaining the most-definitely-better look it has now. Such a thing is up to raymoohawk of course, but it sounds neat.

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fabian said:

Sorry, but yes, a bit. What I liked about the old sprite was that it was a bit over-bright. This gave the slug a somehow greasy (like a diffusively reflecting fat film) visual appearance.

One of my major dislikes of the original sprite (indeed, it was my only major dislike) was the horrible over-brightness. It didn't look greasy to me, just bad. I think looking greasy is a nice idea but the original sprite just looked over exposed to me and, as a result stood out badly against most of the other graphics in the game.

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im glad the combat slug is generating discussion, i think the best thing to do is to make several tests with diffrent versions of the skin and then see wich one the majority likes better. that will have to wait thoug, im currently trying to redo the octaminator walk to fit the 3 frame walk of the revenant, since fraggle informed me the 4 frame walk would cause issues

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Voltcom9 said:

The Bird Skull from the birdskull guy could replace the current lost soul. It's still a skull and would fit better with Raymoohawks new sprite edits. I guess it could be on fire too so it seemed more like a lost soul. Thoughts?

Sounds like a good idea! It could even pick the player with its beak instead of merely giving him a headbutt. However, I'd like the idea of a zombified bird better than a bird's skull on flames.

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freedoom isnt doing any behaviour changes tho

anyway here is a monster i had been working on, with the idea of turning the mask into its actual monster. the idea i had is that this could be the lost soul in freedoom phse 1 and the fredrick monster could be the lost soul in phase 2

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That'd be a great lost soul replacement! About the right size, and similar color scheme, while being a unique design rather than a cheap knockoff.

That being said, I'm against the idea of having different assets per IWAD*. I value consistency and quality-over-quantity.

*Stuff like title screens and music don't count, those actually should be different.

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the reason why i wanted this monster in specific to look different between the iwads is the pain elemental. the idea is that the lost soul in the phase 2 is a spell counjored by this guy

but he coesnt appear on phase 1, therefore i think the phase 1 monster should make sense as a standlaone monster, and magic skull doesnt sound like a standalone monster

also quality and quantity aren't mutually exclusive

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raymoohawk said:

quality and quantity aren't mutually exclusive

No, but it's far more attainable to get consistent high quality if the workload isn't as big.

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That beaked creature really would be perfect for Blasphemer.

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Blasphemer needs more work, and the flying Imp would fit better. However, maybe they can be cross-game, or maybe just a color change. *shrugs*

Maybe a bit lazy, but it knocks out a couple birds.

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Clonehunter said:

However, maybe they can be cross-game, or maybe just a color change. *shrugs*

Maybe a bit lazy, but it knocks out a couple birds.

I've been suggesting this for a while. It might be a bit of a "meh" approach, but I'm okay with it as long as it looks appropriate in its context. Perhaps it could be justified by saying they loosely take place in the same universe, at different points in history, and that these monsters have been going at it a while. That would place Freedoom at the end of the chronology.

I'm not entirely confident about the idea either and feel it might cheapen the experience. It sure would be a nice way to speed up completion while retaining quality. At the very least, I'd prefer avoiding anything "extra" in Freedoom until there's one full set of high quality stuff.

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Voltcom9 said:

how would you explain it only being in Phase 1

because theres no summonner (pain elemental) in phase 1

zauberer freedoom and blasphemer should all share the same sprites and textures and sounds and everything...

the 3 games are separate, imagine if doom hexen and heretic shared the same sprites, that would suck. that said im fine with using sprites from freedoom as bases for new sprites that the other games could use, but the finished sprites should be different (kinda how strife did)

8 directional sprites are so hard to come by and we should aspire to increase the resource pool

I'd prefer avoiding anything "extra" in Freedoom until there's one full set of high quality stuff

your right about this tho

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I personally would be ok to import into Blasphemer some placeholder stuff, just for the sake of getting rid of some giant '?' monsters, if for nothing else in wait for something to be made for it; ultimatly it is Ray choise to let a project use something of his own. On a related note.... i tought maybe the old freedoom skeleton in the attic could be of some use?...

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actually once the stuff is in freedoom its not my choice anymore since the license allows it

speaking of old stuff, how come the cawibouk isnt in blasphemer? i thought bigprojectalone donated it and its a pretty good sprite

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