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Raymoohawk's sprite edits


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The tip of the tentacles are always pointing up. Maybe it could look more, for lack of a better word, natural if they sort of slithered across the ground more. It's hard to put it into words, just refeer to the gif in the above post. Notice how the squid does these little steps with it's tentacles, but at the same time they sort of wiggle around

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thanks for the advice guys, i think ill redo the tentacles, now tha ive seen the slithering (or wathever its called) it appeals more to me, so ill give it a try

that said i think ill a break from the walk, and focus on the attack frames. that should give time to better rethink the approach

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Looks like the octopus is using only three tentacles, and they're not slithering. It's more like getting around on three broken tank tracks that you have to keep picking up and re-laying.

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raymoohawk said:

not yet, i do plan to continue it, but i want to prioritize freedoom/zauberer (the elephant is not for freedoom)

i still think the movements of the octi are seriously wrong, maybe the tentacles are a tad too stiff?

anywauy here is an early preview of the wolfss replocemnt that maz helped me do


kinda puts me in the mind of imperial stormtroopers from star wars lol great job

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I posted this over at ZDoom but I'm posting here too...

I really like what you are doing with the slug but I wonder if it might be better still with a bit more contrast? This is just a rough and ready test because I don't have the skills to do it any better but, what do you think? Is it something that should be investigated further?

raymoohawk's originals on top, my test below

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i think youre right, ill up the contrst, maybe even more than in your version. ill also try out slax's idea of adding gore to the techie parts

meanwhile an attempt on the candelabra replacement, not a candelabra anymore, but still a light source, not to mention than the candles looked strange without aniamtion

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It does look pretty amazing. Not sure how well it sits with the slightly less hellish and bloodied direction FreeDoom seems to have been taking of late though.

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i think it looks fine, the slug has always looked like it came out fresh off the torture factory (kinda like the revenant in the original doom)

that said i dont think bloax will help unless i finish the base frames very quickly (he works in producivity spurts and then goes into long periods of inactivity)

im considering givint the walk frames a go to see if i can get him to bloaxe them, thoughts? octi or slug?

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Whatever is more convenient to you. Although I think that the slug could use some more attention atm, since the current revenant already has a full set of sprites and the slug is currently unpolished.

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after much thinking (and insistance from mazmon) ive decided to try and make a new cyber demon. below is a preview

its a monster i started a while ago for my own purposes (a mod ill probably never do), so some of you may have seen it already. if you guys like it, i can reporpuse it for freedoom (its the correct size for cyberdemon). since we will have a new mastermind, it would be cool to have a new cyber as well

i wont prioritize it tho, since the baron, knight and slug need more urgent replacement

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Can we make it brown or dark pink? I think it'd still be sufficiently different enough from the actual cyberdemon to be fine. Green would make it too similar to the chaingunner IMO.

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I love it. I agree with soda though that maybe you should try a more brownish-tan skin tone, to look more distinct, and so it can have the same color scheme of the cyberdemon. That way it would be compatible with mods that use the cyberdemon sprites with color translations.

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The big green dude would be an awesome baron, while little green dude could be hell knight. Their size and toughness difference fits perfectly with their attack pattern.

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i dont think the monsters would look too similar, the nobles can easely be distinguisehd from cyberdemon in the original doom, even though they are both goat like. plus the reptiles im working on have different body builds from each other (muscled, fat and slender) and different armour

having the bird guy be the baron makes it look like the reptiles are a slave race, since it even uses one as its arm cannon, and the fat lizard (knight) respects it by not attacking it, making it look like its minion

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finally got a goddamn rotation of this guy done

i feel so lasy because of the heat :( but ill try to hack the other walk frames together from this anyway

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Sodaholic said:

This is the direction that monster's design needs to go in, it's great. Also, please get back to me about that thing you wanted.

Agreed. Although the red color of wires now clashes with blood.

BTW, other monsters too have wires colored red. Is that intentional?

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The red pipes transfer hormone-infused blood to the parts of the body where it's most needed for the specific monsters. It's similar to Bane from the old batman comics (the real Bane, not that stupid remake with the grandpa-sounding voice)
I think the little Zamanthytes in the glass jars (the Keen replacements) charge up the blood, which is then loaded into the other monsters. The blood lasts much longer than regular blood.

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