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Raymoohawk's sprite edits


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  • 2 months later...

Great job on these Raymoonhawk! I've been modifying the chaingunguy and I have a small taste of how hard spriteing can be. These all look great!

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  • 5 weeks later...
raymoohawk said:

as the author of the current torches i appreciate that you like them, but i think that more symmetrical designs work better for static objects

Would this be more acceptable?

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luckypunk said:

Don't get me wrong, but that looks terrible because it doesn't "mash" very well. Looks more like someone just copy pasted one sprite over another if you ask me (which seems to be the case). It would be a good idea to add Cwolf's torches, as they look like actual torches IMO. Not to mention the design on Cwolf's torches is quite pleasing to look at and easy to recognise.

That's just my opinion.

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My opinion: I'm with raymoohawk. If the artist doesn't like his own work/believes it's unsuitable, I think it's best to replace them with something more fitting.

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I generally agree, but having seen the new torches in the typical hell-/cave-style settings, they just don't seem very fitting (to me).

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Everything has it's ups and downs. The point is to live with it as much as possible. It really doesn't matter if it doesn't fit a specific theme or not, players can, will, get used to it. What exactly is a fitting theme for cave/hell levels? It could be anything, really. Let's go these black torches that have a design scheme similar to raymoohawk's and looks like your typical source of light. Let's make these torches the hell torches of Freedoom.

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tried to edit my canda0 and cbraa0 to make them more lampie, i'm still without a dedicated computer so they may look a bit wonky, but i think they still look better than the current ones in

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The sprites didn't make it in yet since luckypunk's gonna open a fresh (and hopefully clean) PR for them. At least the light armor vest is in.

Now the candlebra actually looks like something that gives off light. The candle too, reminds me of an actual candle, so that's a good thing. The candle should go in, but the candlebra may or may not need some work (it's still better than before though) first.

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luckypunk said:


Would this be more acceptable?

Nope. Don't get me wrong but it looks like you don't know what 'symmetry' mean in this way. The thing you did it's umm... let's say it's wrong, that was a bad idea to make those Raymoohawk's torches symmetrical. They look as pile of bad art work after your edit.

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CWolf said:

Don't get me wrong but it looks like you don't know what 'symmetry' mean in this way.

Educate me.

CWolf said:

They look as pile of bad art work after your edit.

This wasn't necessarily meant as a serious submission, more a quick and dirty mock-up of an idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

look man i made clear that the pestmester was not yet ready for submission and you guys added it anyway, making my work (and freedoom) look a lot more amateurish in the process. what you see there is a sketch that was meant to show what the finalized death might look like, but it was never supposed to be an actual part of the finished sprites. i am well aware of the size requirements for sprites, and the final corpse will be the same size as that of the original baron

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Please don't get angry Raymoohawk, even with that temporary fix your Pestmeister monster still rocks! Hope you finish someday the remaining death sprites, but just take your time, no hurry at all. ;)

Meanwhile, also in my mod I made this monster (yeah, I included it some time ago) to have an alternate 'disintegrating' death when you kill it, so it fades slowly to white and explodes in a thousand particles while leaving a trail of ascending dust clouds. It's a pity this cannot be done in FreeDoom wads, due to the required Vanilla compatibilities... :|

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@raymoohawk: Sorry, that was all my fault. I couldn't stand looking at the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man anymore, and decided that even your unfinished Pestmeister was a huge improvement.


@all: All praise about the sprites should go in raymoohawk's direction, all blame in mine.


I tried my best to make the situation slightly better: https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/420


Peace to all my brothers of the double barrelled shotgun!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude that messy marshmallow blob was infuriating to look at, I am actually happy it is *finally* replaced, the death animation can wait. Don't beat yourself so hard.

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It's better to have it in so people know what to expect from the next Freedoom version. They should expect unfinished content downloading a daily build.

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  • 9 months later...


4 hours ago, D4RKP1G said:

hey i think you need color the death body and not make it all red

Then download the daily freedoom build on the website.

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