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Raymoohawk's sprite edits


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raymoohawk said:

a couple of questions, why is stallman the boss brain? can i edit him? id like to add some techie stuff to him so its not just the head in a stick, but that it actually looks like his controlling the icon of sin

B-b-but Stallman is an icon! An icon of GNU!

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i didnt consider that (althoug stallman isnt just some person). ill let you guys decide if you want me to give the brainboss a try, having something non joke might lead to mappers using it in different ways


to frithiof, i didnt meant replacing stallman, just adding stuff to make it look like he wasnt just dead on a stick, but actually part of the creature

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Well, has RMS ever confirmed that he is fine with *this* usage of his image in Freedoom? Does he even know about it?

To be honest, I'd be farily shocked to see an image of my severed head on a stick as the final "evil" boss in a computer game. I'd find that personally offending.

Plus, Freedoom isn't even using on of his licenses, so this reference to him is rather random.

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raymoohawk said:

yeah thats the thing i was thinking of, althoug im nowhere near as talented as the guy in that video.

a couple of questions, why is stallman the boss brain? can i edit him? id like to add some techie stuff to him so its not just the head in a stick, but that it actually looks like his controlling the icon of sin

Speaking of which, any objections/ideas around changing that GODAWFUL brain dead sound? The one with the jaws style muzak and mmehh eheeehe eheh on top of it?
I'm trying to come up with something decent but any thoughts?

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thanks for clarifying
so say freedoom is finished and i grab a copy and mod it, can i then relicense my mod under the gpl or any other license?

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raymoohawk said:

thanks for clarifying
so say freedoom is finished and i grab a copy and mod it, can i then relicense my mod under the gpl or any other license?

No, only the copyright holder can change the license. But you can do nearly anything else with your copy without the need to change the license at all, the BSD license is very liberal.

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That image is misleading: You cannot remove the BSD license nor change its terms (at least not without contacting the copyright holder), but you CAN add additional terms of your own. This is somewhat common, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows both include code developed for BSD but they also have their own EULAs on top of it.

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Nice sprites!
And about the Stallman, i agree with the idea of giving him tech and other things to him so he doesn't look like a stick with head, so i think that would be very beneficial, as that would improve the quality of FreeDoom's art and graphics.

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Feel free to improve the Stallman sprite if you wish, but he shouldn't be considered a priority. Like fraggle said, he's meant to be an easter egg (exactly like John Romero's head in Doom II). Are there any PWADs that depend on exposing the boss brain out in the open? It's a very weak/easy thing to kill... would be odd.

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More work on SGunner, good and about Voltcom9's post, the imp with tentacles would not fit well the cacodemon as the caco is a flying monster, so it would require some editing to make it suitable for flying.

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I like the current FreeCaco, it just need some polishing (IMHO).

But my favourite FreeDoom monster is the Pain Elemental, a brilliant idea ! Don't change it (except if the Lost Soul is modified).

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those 3 are staying for a long while since im focusing on the easier to do ones first, but i do intend to redesing those 3 heavely

i like the idea of the a caco that resembles the flying guy from quake

also im editing the impeiled zombies right now

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Voltcom9 said:

using the one with tentacles to replace the current Orb monster/ Cacodemon.

Please, no. The Cacodemon / Flying Jellyfish is one of the most characteristic monsters of Freedoom. It is even used as the icon in the Debian package. It would be very sad to have it replaced. But I agree it could need some polish.

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Yeah i agree with fabian, the cacodemon looks good althrough could use some improvement and also i mentioned that the imp with tentacles would not fit well as a cacodemon in my previous post.
Not to mention it would take more time to make it well suitable to replace the caco than improving the caco itself.

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raymoohawk said:

the impaled zombies are here

Great, thanks!

That's the twitching impaled zombie. There's also a non-twitching one. Could you do that one too?

The new Sergeant is looking great. If you can put those into a single sheet graphic then I can cut it up into sprites and put them in a WAD to try out.

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here is the non twitching zombie

i havent finished the shotgunguy yet

also could someone check wich of the zombie frames needs to have its pants darkened, the colors jump around too much

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