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Raymoohawk's sprite edits


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Looks good to me, keeping it short just makes it so dead corpses don't obstruct the view, so I like this :)

... and with that, I think Freedoom 0.9 is finally ready to be released. :)

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chungy said:

Looks good to me, keeping it short just makes it so dead corpses don't obstruct the view, so I like this :)

... and with that, I think Freedoom 0.9 is finally ready to be released. :)


I can't wait to see what 1.0 will look like. (And thanks for not neglecting Phase 1)

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frithiof said:

(And thanks for not neglecting Phase 1)

... and FreeDM, my default IWAD to run Vanilla PWADs!

The Archvile needs to be re-done and Hell Knight/baron may be improved, but otherwise everything's OK now.

(But further improvement will be welcome!)

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soner those 3 monsters are going to be replaced completly, urric already gave us a head start on the archvile, since he has several frames for it on his photobucket

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That'd be up to whoever runs this year's Cacowards to decide, although personally I would hold it off until 1.0 comes around. I'm kind of hoping that we may qualify for a Mordeth award, although it's not exactly a typical kind of project for such an honor. :)

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raymoohawk said:

soner those 3 monsters are going to be replaced completly, urric already gave us a head start on the archvile, since he has several frames for it on his photobucket

Good to hear that, i've never liked that arch-vile, it was ridiculous to
The same for Knight and Baron.

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Raymoohawk, I really like the work you're doing here, Freedoom is in desperate need of graphical overhaul in a few areas. However, I'm concerned about the shading. It's a bit too pillow-shaded, you might want to consider moving the highlights more outward and not in the center of the "lumps". Don't get me wrong, it's great and far better than what we had, but please keep the direction/balance of shading in mind as you do these.

Also, you might want to lighten up the base colors. As you shade it, it's all starting to look a tad dark. The additional contrast is great, but the base colors underneath the layers of shading should be increased so that it retains that great contrast without becoming too dark as a whole. They need to pop out against the dark levels.

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thanks for the advice :-) ill improve the shading as i get a better idea of what the final designs for the monsters will be

another frame test

i havent disregarded what you said, im just trying out the shape

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I really like this lizard enemy. Your work reminds me of the old fighting game King of the Monsters. Once all these monsters are in the game I can see myself using the FreeDoom iwad regularly.

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more of the geon rip off!

back side

a bit off topic
i was enjoying a stroll trough the attic and took a look at the fredrik folder, none of his old monsters where there, do they still exist? the baron test wad link in the old tread doesnt work anymore

back on topic
behold the least threatening enemy in the history of dooming, who would even shoot this thing

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I've said it already, but your doing really awesome work here raymoohawk! The serpipede design in particular is turning into something really awesome. Its a very interesting desgin.

By the way, the robo-saur has kind of a jazz-hands thing going on its in animation, heh. Maybe that's not a bad thing...I'm digging the design so far though.

Speaking of Fredrik's designs, there were a few that I really liked. The elephant baron and his Cyberdemon replacement concepts were pretty neat. There was also his lovecraftian slug-thing which I think was considered to be a replacement for the Mastermind. I use to have some of the concept images saved, but I can't seem to find them now...

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You should consider adding something sharp to the imp's tentacles. There's nothing that can be done about the melee attack using the scratch sound, so it should have claws or some kind of blades to keep the melee attack from not making sense.

Also, there's only 3 frames in the attack animation so that bright yellow flash one has no room to be used (let alone that it would only make sense for the ranged attack).

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raymoohawk said:

behold the least threatening enemy in the history of dooming, who would even shoot this thing

Mechadon said:

By the way, the robo-saur has kind of a jazz-hands thing going on its in animation, heh. Maybe that's not a bad thing...I'm digging the design so far though.

The robosaurus is hilarious, I love him! -- But I would shoot him! ;)

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Wasn't it the plan to have the tendrils/centipede legs on the torso open and move during the attack animation, or did I dream that?

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the first 2 frames are walking frames, and yes the plan was for the shell to open up, ill try to implement that once im done with the easy frames, but no promise

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