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Can I Switch a Linedef action on/off?


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Can I make it so that a linedef action can only be triggered after a certain event, via ACS or any other way?

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There's also a way for boom/doom in doom format that would use voodoo dolls on conveyor belts instead of ACS.

Doll |  |  :
A and B are doors that stop the voodoo doll, C is a walkover line for the action you want to happen. For the action C to happen, player will have to trigger an Open Wait Close action for B after triggering an Open Stay for A.

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If you're mapping specifically for Doomsday then any line special can be disabled remotely by another line special, using XG.

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I doubt this applies to the OP, but in Doom 64 this is pretty easy.

Tag the linedef that should be triggerable later, but otherwise leave it alone.
Give another (dummy) linedef the trigger settings you want, and it's own tag.

When you want the first line to become triggerable, run a Macro (Doom 64's version of a script) with the command Line_CopyFlags(first linedef tag, dummy linedef tag);

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