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Miscellaneous demos (part 3) [please post in part 4 instead]

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Some DoomJr demos I never got around to uploading.

Map 2 NM-Speed in 0:08.
Map 3 NM-Speed in 0:12.
Map 4 NM-Speed in 0:25.
Map 5 NM-Speed in 0:10.
Map 11 NM-Speed in 0:35.
Map 25 UV-Max in 1:37.
D2ALL UV-Speed in 9:59


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  • 2 weeks later...

Some more misc demos I recorded and never got around to uploading.

Barons o' Fun UV-Max/Pacifist in 0:58. BTW, I think this demo, as well as eschdoom's on the DSDA, should have the comment "Also Pacifist," as the fastest max strat would involve pistoling.
Doomworld Megawad Project 2014 Map 12 Pacifist in 1:34.
Lost Base (rf_lost) UV-Max in 2:28.
Speed Villa Map 1 UV-Max in 0:48. Bonus max in the same time included.
Speed Villa Map 1 Pacifist in 0:15.
Thinkwad E1M2 (think12) UV-Max in 1:29.
Thinkwad E1M2 Pacifist in 0:20 (bonus demo in 0:21 on slightly different route included).
XCAL1.WAD UV-Speed in 0:19.
XCAL1.WAD nomo in 0:07.74.


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  • 4 weeks later...

You might be fully aware of this but for anyone who would like to record a demo for this WAD: there will probably be a update in the future which make break the existing demos.

Flashback to Hell MAP04 -Respawn in 3:46
Flashback to Hell
MAP07 UV Max in 2:06
Flashback to Hell MAP05 UV Max in 3:46
Flashback to Hell MAP05 Tyson in 10:44
Flashback to Hell MAP03 Tyson in 11:24
Flashback to Hell MAP10 UV Max in 8:00
Flashback to Hell MAP09 UV Max in 7:34
Flashback to Hell MAP01 UV Max in 1:39
Flashback to Hell
MAP06 UV -Fast in 13:20
MAP09 UV -Fast in 12:05


Why doesn't this WAD have its own thread since... long ago?

There are currently 173 demos on DSDA, most (if not all) posted in the miscellaneous demos thread part 2 and part 3.

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  On 2/1/2016 at 4:24 PM, Keyboard_Doomer said:

You might be fully aware of this but for anyone who would like to record a demo for this WAD: there will probably be a update in the future which make break the existing demos.


Oh heck, thanks for the info.


Why doesn't this WAD have its own thread since... long ago?

There are currently 173 demos on DSDA, most (if not all) posted in the miscellaneous demos thread part 2 and part 3.


Good question.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow koren, thanks for the demos on those two!

You're the first person I've ever seen do the blue key fight in Golachab the intended way (everyone else just wimps out and abuses the corner).

Also, you are, as far as I know, the first person to every successfully max the final version of Impure Offering! The only other demos of it I know of were Demonologist's max on an ancient playtesting version and gggmork's demo that runs away from the Plasma/BFG trap instead of fighting it out; in my own playing, I'm always too cowardly to take out all of the Afrits instead of just bailing as soon as I can, heh.

Finally, thanks for the kind words in the textfiles. Glad to see someone enjoyed both maps!

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Nice work!

There's still one big optimization possible that I know of, if you feel like refining further, although it's a pain in the ass since it's both really difficult and it requires some lucky monster movement -- when you first drop into the big cavern, sprint straight for the rocket launcher, then take out the pillar-Revs, hit the switch to release the Vile + Revs, and jump to the blue armor secret and then take everything out at once with rockets instead of SSG. You need good monster movement to make the jump to the blue armor possible, though, and then fighting everything at once with the Vile is quite difficult (but possible!).

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  • 2 weeks later...


MAP01 UV-MAX in 0:22
MAP02 UV-MAX in 0:20
D2ALL UV-MAX in 2:49

new to this, these are definitely improvable by a lot

i already know cyberdemon has beaten at least 2 of these already lol

000emg 2-26.zip

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