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Miscellaneous demos (part 3) [please post in part 4 instead]

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On 6/12/2020 at 6:13 PM, vdgg said:

4 Seasons of Doom


I hope the rest will be done. I'm not playing this shit myself, but it's so cool.

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The Alfonzone v1.04 Episode 3 UV-Max in 40:14, ZDoom v2.8.1

Didn't stream this (and won't the rest of Alfonzone either) because some maps have a few heavily lagging spots on my PC even just by themselves and I couldn't afford to make it even worse with recording software. I could attach my full demo dump if someone wants to see all the silly ways I died while grinding this.


Edited by tchkb

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The Alfonzone v1.04 Episode 4 UV-Max in 45:11, ZDoom v2.8.1

Could've gone 1 to 2 minutes faster with less platforming screwups, more movement practice / less pauses and not screwing up on the last map by forgetting an important ammo stash, but tbh I just want to be done with this WAD for now.

Also edited the ep3 submission in the previous post - there was a minor error in the textfile.


EDIT also throwing the IL demopack for maps 01-20. Nothing particularly optimized, I recorded those mostly to learn the maps for episode runs. I'll probably return to this WAD sometime around 2021 to finish the remaining 30 maps and 6 episodes.

Alfonzone v1.04 map01-20 tchkb.zip

EDIT2: AFAIK one of map19 secrets is unreachable (random faraway decorative building with one medkit), hence one secret skipped.

Edited by tchkb

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On 6/25/2020 at 8:58 AM, DrJordo said:

A Fistful of Doom

MAP02 UV Max 3:03


The unkillable revenant is intentional, its action sound is church bell, a very nice touch

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On 6/25/2020 at 2:59 PM, Zahid said:

Emperor wad map 1 casual uv max at 4:44




On 6/26/2020 at 7:02 AM, vdgg said:

out of sync for me right at the start...?

It is not working for me either so any admin kindly delete this post....

whole point in recording and posting was to check if i can still able  to do it but it seems i messed up in my command line there used to be highlighted thread in Doom Speed Demos section with information on recording demos why it disappeared ?.anyways will try again later....sorry for inconvenience......

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