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Black screens


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How do I make a fade to black effect? I need the whole screen to go black, preferably with a nice fade effect, covering the hud and everything but yet allowing to display certain hudmessages.

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Script "Fade to Black" (VOID)
    SetFont ( "BIGBLACK" ) ;
    SetHudSize ( 320,240,0 ) ;
    HUDMSG_FADEINOUT, 1, CR_UNTRANSLATED, 0, 0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.8);
    ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("Text Atop the Black", 0); //Execute the script that displays the text you want on top
Something like this. All you'll really need a pure black image to use as a GRAPHIC file, so yeah. Preferably something 427x240, for this particular script. Could do to tweak it a bit for your particular map, but yeah.

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Neat, I imagined I would need to use a black image but I wasn't sure how to do the fading. Thanks.

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I used that code but the black screen is too small, and I need it to be stretched to whatever resolution one may use. I use a 1600x900 res, and even if I put those values on the code, it doesn't work and the image is shown even smaller(it's like it doesn't take that much res)

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Ah yeah, overlooked that, I did. Try something like a 1920x1200 size black image then. That should even play nice with 16;10 monitors.

In the end, maybe FadeTo is a better way to go about it, as the problem will probably once again rear its head on future Super-HD monitors.

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Yes, the fade command doesn't hide the crosshair and hud, but that about future monitors is also true so i'll just use fade in and out. It looks pretty cool actually, great for adding cool transicions and ease storytelling

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