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Baron of Hell Sculpt

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Hey everyone! I'm currently partaking in a Halloween sculpt a day for the month of Oct. And I decided to create a bunch of Doom creatures. And I decided to start with my favorite Demon... The Baron of Hell! I hope you all like my version of the Baron :)

I'll attempt to sculpt more of our favorite baddies over the month, the plan is to Sculpt the Imp tomorrow, unless you all want to see a different monster.

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Hey guys thank you for the kind compliments :)

raymoohawk - The Cyberdemon, along with all of the Demons with mechanical prosthetics will be on the tail end of the critters that I sculpt, making the prosthetics will take some planning to make it look properly integrated *as much as Demons could implement tech to themselves without proper training :P* But definitely, the Cyberdemon is going to be the bad ass of bad asses.

Avoozl - Thanks man, and by all means dude, voice your thoughts :) I'm not opposed to constructive criticism. The way I approached it was kind of an collage of different versions of the Baron that I've seen over the year. The biggest departure facially is probably the human like skull, versus an animal skull. I feel a more human look gives the Baron a bit more of a cunning appearance.

The story I concocted in my head, I kind of imagined the Baron as a Hell Knight that has risen through the ranks and was granted the honor of drinking the blood of Baphomet, which begins a painful transformation that many Hell knights don't survive, if they live become 8 foot tall warlord/sorcerer generals with a bunch of demonic symbols carved into their bodies and that combined with the blood, gained the ability to throw Demonic fire.

In my little Doom fantasy I see the Barons being 8 foot juggernauts having the ability to throw demonic fire and Hell knights are 7 foot brawlers with no magical ability. As said that's my little fantasy.

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Yeah I can see what you're saying about the ears, I didn't touch the ears much, I pretty much just blocked out some vaguely "elf" like ears to try and keep with that inhuman devil appearance, but I can see what you mean about them being human like, I'll have to make them more exaggerated when I come back to the model.

Overall I'm going to try and give him ears along the lines of the original Doom box art Barons.

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Yeah, definitely make the ears pointed and sinister. Overall, the model looks fantastic. I really feel it captures the design of the original. Are you going to make the legs furry? I don't know how implicitly furry it is in the original, but I always saw the Baron as having animal legs with short, rough fur/hair.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

That looks AWESOME! Exactly what more modern take on a Baron should look like. I like how he's "beefed up". He looks like he'd just physically crush you if he got his hands on you. Fantastic work!

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raymoohawk said:

just imagine the how the cyberdemons would be! :-)

We got Maes Jr over here :D
I really like the Hellboy shoulder markings, that and the pentagram help make it look more like a demonic noble/warrior

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And this is how a dude with a 3d modelling program makes a creature that looks a thousand times more evil than the whole Doom 4 bestiary.

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Winged_Warrior said:

And this is how a dude with a 3d modelling program makes a creature that looks a thousand times more evil than the whole Doom 4 bestiary.

Well, I'm certain his vision of a cyberdemon involves less..."moose-iness."

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I definitely favor this design more than many of the Doom 4 creatures shown in the previews. Nice work mate, I would like to see this complete.

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That baron has some nice muscle definition. Really nice. Looks good. Almost too good. If only I could touch them...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I feel like his ass cheeks are too small for his femoral muscles. Or maybe it's his femoral muscles have too much girth. Good facial structure, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you start with Zspheres? I always do but I cannot sculpt a face no where near that good! I would love to retro that onto a lo-poly and throw in into UDK with a simple animation.

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Avoozl said:

Looks great but there's something off about the head/face and I can't quite place it.

Perhaps the lack of an elongated goat-like muzzle. That's what I think is missing.

By the way, I absolutely love this rendition and look forward to the finished product.

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Also, the horns are coming straight out of his head instead of coming out of fleshmounds that are coming out of the sides of his head. Closely examine the baron's face form the original game and you'll see what I mean.

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  • 2 weeks later...
MetroidJunkie said:

It looks like the model has fleshmounds, they're just not necessarily all that long.

Upon another inspection, I can see that. I don't know why I overlooked them before.

Anyway, I still think that if the humanoid skull structure was replaced with a goat or bovine skull structure, you'd have a much more menacing looking demon.

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Jeez I'm sorry guys I didn't get any notifications that people were posting in this thread, I would of commented sooner. And thank you all for the kind comments, It's always a great feeling when fellow fans like your interpretation on something we all love.
And unfortunately I lost the zbrush file a couple months ago, luckily he was a speed sculpt, so I didn't lose too much time. Ya know... seeing this thread again, I feel like It's time I recreate the big guy :)

Goatlord - Thanks man, yeah I intended to make the legs hairy in a style similar to what you had in mind, and I agree with you an a number of others here about the ears, I was too subtle with them, I'll make sure to give the Prince of hell suitable ears.

RunningWild - Yeah I wanted to give the Baron that imposing 8'ft 800 pound I walk through walls and crush skulls like grapes between my fingers. A creature that the closer you get, all you feel is this imposing dread, because you know the moment he has a hold of you, you don't survive.

Shapeless - Thanks man, that actually means a lot, I remember being a wee one on PlanetDoom and seeing your sculptures and drawings and being mystified. As for the Baron being more cut, I considered that but I felt it took away from him being a giant slab of murderous power. I will play around with a couple variations of his body fat and see what you all think :)

Maz Hades - Thanks man, yeah Hellboy and the Doom 3 Hell version of the Hell Knights played a role in that thought process, one which I'll refine in the new model.

Winged_Warrior - I appreciate the compliment man, and I'd agree my interation is more of the traditional demonic type, but we shouldn't be too harsh on the artist's at id software, the models they are creating look amazing. I do however think they are pulling a little too much from Doom 3 in certain areas, but we have yet to see a clear Baron, so don't be surprised if they make an amazing demonic Baron :)

Job - I be honest I like the new Cyberdemon. However it isn't how I envision the Cyberdemon, so I hope that gives you all hope.

Chezza - Thank you, I intend to get a new one up and running by this week.

RUSH - You wouldn't touch this Baron... He'd being doing the touching. Wheather you'd enjoy that would be entirely up to you my friend.

Kotometal - I'm sure that'll happen at some point, I just can't be certain I'll stick to the exact same color scheme.

TheCupboard - You sir... You... Are very correct, that is one flat assed Baron. I'll make sure he possess the ass of a demonic god.

JCB - I don't use Zspheres, or atleast I haven't used Zspheres in years, I find the returns of a base mesh I get out of them not worth my time. If I want to make a new body or face, I usually start with a basic sphere. And thanks man, yeah when I get a new face going I can throw the an Obj your way, it'll be cool to see what you come up with :)

HellBent - Honestly, you are not the first person to tell me my Baron was too handsome.

TraceOfSpades - I would say they are definitely too subtle,I'll exaggerate them a little more the skull a good mix of bovine and human. I cant say whether I'll elongate the snout much further, I feel like it takes away some of the menace and makes him seem less cunning. I will play around with the proportions though.

Thank you all again for the compliments guys, I'm actually going to start up a new mesh now, should be fun, I'll update you guys soon!

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Ok I couldn't help myself but I started him real fast, here's a quick an dirty sculpt of me trying to get the proportions and look of the last Baron model so bare with me with this early sculpt, oh and the horns are place holder so I can get an idea of the horn placement. Enjoy!

His name is old man Baron

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