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/me has brainstorm

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I got to thinking while camping a couple of days ago(I was really bored)-why doesn't someone release a special version of Doom/Doom2/Ultimate/Final with a couple of source ports already integrated into the game?
The SPs would available to "turn on" in the options screen.
I was thinking about this, and I think it's quite possible to do it.

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Because that means 115% of the income (around 20 cents given today's gaming community interest in old DooMs) should've be shared among the source port creators.

If you're gonna sell something, it's because you're making money somehow...

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I just noticed Liam is Mail spelled backwards. You know in the online game EverQuest there is allot of bard quests where you go deliver mail.. incase you wanted to know.. which you probably didn't.

You are correct in assuming I could care less, but I'll reply anyway. Liam is my name. It did not come from mail. Although bards are my favorite roleplaying class, the bard in my name comes from it's actual meaning: Poet, especially of a lyrical nature, or, more formerly, one of an order of ancient celtic poets.

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