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E3 shoutouts


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So I'm going to be at E3 tomorrow to check things (i.e. Doom 3) out...

Anyone else going? Have any suggestions as to what I should do / see / ask? Requests for pictures? Etc...

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eh, if you see carmack smack him in the ass for me =]

and ofcourse a lot of pics of the doom3 chick marines with their braws showing GRRR.

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Hope you brought a really good camera, Ling. Your fans are gonna be watching and waiting for those E3 photos. :)

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Could you bring me some nice sketches of the concepts in the game by the bios? Wonder if they still have initial sketches of the concepts of Doom and Doom 2 kept.

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Oh, and bring a large, comfy backpack to carry all the expo swag around in. I understand they will bury you with free shite at every opportunity.

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IMJack said:

Oh, and bring a large, comfy backpack to carry all the expo swag around in. I understand they will bury you with free shite at every opportunity.

Even bags for all the crap they'll give you.

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Why don't you shave your head, then walk up to Tim Willits and say : "Hello, my name is Patrick Stewart". Then videotape the look on his face.

I dunno. Be creative.

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Hey Linguica, you can steal the presentation equipment and then youll get:

1. Doom3 Alfa/beta/testing/promo version...

2. with 1. you can make looooots of screenshots...

3. youll get money as a ransom for the equipment...

4. youll be a hero... i mean you are already, but you know...

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It's 'alpha' in english.

I find it confusing when people mix in greek in common language.

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