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Whoops, forgot there were two extra frames for the torch to animate. So I animated the candle flame inside the lantern.

Here's a gif to show how it looks.

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Oh yeah, i'm surely adding it to the experimental build once i got time (should be able between tomorrow and the day after tomorrow).

EDIT: Added to my test wad, it looks good to me (i know, the inventory icon is a little big, i will try to adjust it without making it looking crappy).

EDIT2: also the height of the wand weapon disturbs me a great deal, i'll try lowering it a little bit and see what happens.

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Yeah, the new wand is a smidgen high. Also, the Phoenix rod replacement really bothers me due to how much it obstructs the screen when powered up. Eeen when it fires honestly. That flash/fire graphic is pretty large and distracting.That's not to say I don't like the graphics themselves however.

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Yes, it is indeed massive. I'll try to thinker it a bit, but i'm really bad at editing sprites so nothing may happen to it for a while.

EDIT: the new experimental build IS UP:

what's new?
-wand and phonenix rod hud height lowered.
-added SuperSomariDX torch replacement.
-completed inventory icons using existing assets, no more =) in your inventory. (mostly final)
-old chaos device inventory icon repurposed to morphum ovum. (placeholder)
-filled missing timebomb\egg frames with existing assets. (placeholder)
-added a new PWAD: BlasphDM, wich contains 21 DM maps made or edited by Protox or myself, incuding edits to the current 4 DM maps contained in the Iwad.
-added a crude Credit list for the new stuff included that differ from the main branch.(WIP)

I may be missing something from the changelist, so go forth and download them!

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Nice work! Would you be interested in adding the kawibouk sprites to your experimental build?

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Would a word such as "Necropolis" or "Sepulcher" work for the first map or is it too complex? Both words mean cemetery and grave respectively.

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"Necropolis" appears a bit too frequently for my liking, being already a title of a core Hexen map and one of a core Quake map, besides having six hits on an idgames title search.

"Sepulcher" is already a title in the Heretic Shadow of the Serpent Riders levels.

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I proposed "Tomb of the Blasphemer" as name for the first level. It is the name of the map I did but you can reuse it for whatever level you put first.

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I'd say we should first use the name the author(s) intended for they own map; then, if some maps remain unnamed, we will se what name fit best who ;)
Anyway, additionally of the addition of the cawibuk, in the next experimental revision i'll remove the lich from the current e1m3 (or move it to the second episode, but im leaning toward the first option) and learn how map names are included into the actual game (i'll probably need an .hhe patch i suppose).

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Cacowad said:

I'm sorry, but i'm not sure of what dvcs mean?...

Fossil, mercurial, git, etc.

A public repository of all the changes to Blasphemer for historical reasons along wiht a platform for developers to cooperate. This is what the Freedoom sources are in. It also helps with backups too because anyone who clones the repository will also have the history.

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There is, check the op or the link i provided a couple of posts up.

EDIT: i just realized that the kawibouk does not have a complete pain state rotation, i'm going to fill the pain frames with others (probably the D set) and see what happens to it.

Also, does someone still have the talon set made by BigProjectAlone? imageshak has deleted it and i clearly remember it having a powered up state.

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Cacowad said:

There is, check the op or the link i provided a couple of posts up.

EDIT: i just realized that the kawibouk does not have a complete pain state rotation, i'm going to fill the pain frames with others (probably the D set) and see what happens to it.

Also, does someone still have the talon set made by BigProjectAlone? imageshak has deleted it and i clearly remember it having a powered up state.

I probably would have had it but no longer, I am afraid. I suffered a hard drive crash last year and managed to lose a bunch of resources but most appear to be readily available, luckily.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice work! It's good to see Blasphemer approaching a functional stage.

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Cacowad said:

I'm sorry, but i'm not sure of what dvcs mean?...

Distributed Version Control System

A version control system is something like the old CVS, SVN, etc. that allow to keep track of a project's evolution from a central directory.

A distributed VCS is the same thing, except there's not necessarily a central directory: it's designed to easily make clones of existing directories and then you can merge changes between directories back and forth.

Freedoom is currently on GitHub.

I think it'd make sense to have Blasphemer get there as well. Preferably with a main directory at https://github.com/freedoom/blasphemer

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Updated experimental build is UP: https://github.com/Blasphemer/blasphemer/wiki/Experimental-build%28s%29

added BigProjectAlone's submissions as golem and knight.
added another map made by me in the E3M7 slot.
removed Lich from E1M3

And i think that's it, i should not have missed anything.

Well, we (me and Springy) did created an account over github and cloned the old googlecode repository over one of my accounts, today i changed the superuser name to Blasphemer (https://github.com/Blasphemer/blasphemer) to reflect the organization of the freedoom repository (wich seems good to me). Some links may have broke in the process.
Anyway, any raccomendation for the repository's settings? i'm still new to github and i didn't had time to sit down and study it, so i just used slade to make a branch of the Iwad. I realize this isn't optimal but is the best i can do at the moment.

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Nice one with the newer edition. Been away from the PC for a while so I haven't had the chance to fix up my DM maps, sorry but having a networking job really turns you off from computers after working with them for 9 hours in a row for a good four or five days.

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So, I got a small collection of random sound effects i've made and 2 edited voice clips.
A vast majority of the sounds are variations of small clicks, crunches and so, with a few being other useful sound effects. Examples: Keys Jiggling and a sound of them dropped onto a table for a key pickup sound, the opening of a small jar lid. A few pops.

Eh. Go ahead and use them for whatever you want. (FreeDoom, Zaub, Blasph, etc.) It's just a little something here to help build up our resource pools. A little variety wouldn't harm anyone.

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Oh my, oh my. I found a little treasure while searching back for blasphemer-related content on doomworld, and it is a donation from Samian in form of maps! except from e1m4 wich is a modified freedom map, all of those where generated by his version of Obhack and then heavily modified (according to the included .txt file), and thus usable in my opinion.
DISCLAIMER: i didn't actually played them still, so i need some time to look into them.

I'll drop the link here for reference: http://samiam.org/obhack/blasphemer-donate.zip
Original post here: https://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1142629

Also i remember some fellow named DragonMorpheus made a "museum" map, and i totally forgot about that... i'm gonna check it out too and probably place it on the e6m1 slot.

EDIT: gave a quick lookaround at Samian's maps... and they need a lot of work. A couple of them could be merged toghether as they are really tiny, but i could do something to (or, at least, try to) bring them on par with the others, it will take some time however.
EDIT2: checked out DragonMorpheus mausoleum, it's worth to keep as a reference, also i didn't noticed the wand ammo was missing a pickup sprite until now.

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SuperSomariDX: Yup, thanks a lot for the sounds contribution, I'll try to make good use of it. :)

Also, cool to see new builds for Blasphemer being released. :)

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I've just tried the experimental build, and the new levels and monsters are really nice!

However, there's a couple of things to be noted. First, the new wand's appearance is such that it may seem to be pointing upwards, rather than away from the player:

I'm not sure why I get this impression, but the previous version of the wand was clearly made in a perspective that implies it being wielded horizontally.

Another thing of note is that even on medium difficulty, there's a lot of monsters in the first map. While their numbers are certainly not beyond manageable, I think the difficulty could be toned down for the early maps.

Other than that, there's some great progress, and the level design seems to capture the atmosphere of the original game quite well.

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