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Getting, installing and playing doom on Ubuntu


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Hello guys,

I just switched from windows 8.1 to Ubuntu 14.04, since I discovered it works a lot better for me.
Now I am not much of a gamer anymore, but I am a fan of doom for more than ten years, playing it regularly. The problem is that I can't manage to install the full version (of doom !, II final doom etc) here. The shareware is not a problem, but that's where it ends. The few guidelines on the internet are not helping much.
Is there someone who is also playing through Linux as well that could help me?

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First you should install a source port, like prboom-plus

Does this work?
apt-get install prboom-plus

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bloodfalls said:

Yes I have installed PRboom +. Its did give me the shareware with it.

Now you need doom.wad and doom2.wad from your bought copy of the game. Which version do you have?

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From what I remember, you need to set the DOOMWADDIR environment variable, then put doom2.wad and any other wads you might want to play in that folder.

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VGA said:

Now you need doom.wad and doom2.wad from your bought copy of the game. Which version do you have?

I use mostly my downloaded doom2.wad because the/my final doom version (from steam) has major issues with the sound.

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Wow it worked!
I have used "prboom -file doom2.wad" to start. I thought there was something wrong with the file but it's working now.
Thanks for the help. :)

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Will do :D

One more question: How can I replace the shareware version in PRBoom+ with doom2? I can play doom II (it loads itself next to the shareware)but no custom wads because the shareware alone has (of course) not the all the sprites/info doom/doom2 has.
I am experimenting with game-data-packaging.

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Unless I misunderstood your post, you don't have to replace anything. Use the -iwad parameter to specify the IWAD you want to load, then -file to specify the PWAD.

Like: prboom -iwad doom2.wad -file custom.wad

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You did not misunderstood, but I did.
I thought the shareware needed to be replaced with doom1 or doom2 as standard-program of prboom, but your method is giving the same effect, without any modifications.

Thanks, everything is working just fine now!

This topic may be closed. :)

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You can install game-data-packager to automatically make *.deb packages out of your Doom, Doom II, Final Doom IWADs, then you don't need to mess with DOOMWADDIR or similar.

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soner du said:

Adding the DRD Team depot is also nice, you will be able to easily install some alternate ports, such as GZDoom, Zandronum and Eternity.

See http://debian.drdteam.org/

Nice but ZDoom and GZDoom can’t be installed both.

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bloodfalls said:

You did not misunderstood, but I did.
I thought the shareware needed to be replaced with doom1 or doom2 as standard-program of prboom, but your method is giving the same effect, without any modifications.

Practically all ports support the -iwad command line switch, so you can keep all your IWADs in the same directory (such as the one from the DOOMWADDIR environment variable) and choose which to play when launching the game. For some ports, if they detect several IWADs and you don't choose one, they'll ask you to pick one when starting, e.g. ZDoom does that. Some ports (like Doomsday and Risen3D) go even further and feature a full-fledged graphic launcher where you can also select mods and options.

There's a number of free IWADs you can get in addition to Doom: Freedoom (three different IWADs) and Hacx 1.2 will work with most ports. Hacx 2.0 (unfinished) will work with ZDoom and Eternity. And just for ZDoom, you can add Harmony, Urban Brawl, and Chex Quest 3, among others.

ducon said:

Nice but ZDoom and GZDoom can’t be installed both.

That's odd, why?

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DoomLegacy is developed on Linux.
I run Linux (2.6 currently) and have DoomLegacy, Edge, Eternity, and PrBoom.

PrBoom is a most capable Boom compatible engine. There is also PrBoom+. PrBoom will do fine for now. It will play Doom and Boom wads.

Later you may want to try some of the enchanced wads.
DoomLegacy, Edge, Eternity are enhanced engines that will play Doom and Boom wads, plus they have their own sets of enhancements, like free-look, jumping, 3dfloors, water and fog.
Wads like Phobia and 3dHorror use DoomLegacy 3dfloors.

I have tried Vavoom and ZDoom, but have not got them to work on Linux,
as I remember due to special libraries that I could not get working. Notably FMOD for ZDoom.

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Gez said:

That's odd, why?

Both of them need and install this file:

wesleyjohnson said:

I have tried Vavoom and ZDoom, but have not got them to work on Linux,
as I remember due to special libraries that I could not get working. Notably FMOD for ZDoom.

I remember Vavoom working but it’s old.
About ZDoom, it works with me for about ten years in Linux.
See my home page.

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