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ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #169 - UAC Ultra


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After two fresh megaWADs it is time to revisit one of our oldest TNS friends: UAC Ultra. The wad has 11 maps that should provide entertainment for all players (and if not, pain rotation will get rid of that). Who does not remember the credits map?!

  • Skill: Ultra Violence
  • IWAD: doom2 or freedoom070
  • PWADs: uacultra
  • Maps: 01-12
  • Lives: 1
  • Euro session: 19:00 GMT @ [L@P] - Germany, Europe
  • US session: 19:00 EST @ DUI - New Jersey, USA
  • Date: 6th November 2014
  • More Details...
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Is it typical that TNS use regenerating health, and replace all the monsters with archviles and decorate cyberdemon variants? Or was I just late to the party? Gameplay was very messy :(

Also did that new jersey session ever start?

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You were just late :P

TNS starts with normal gameplay. Once we have completed all maps, we begin pain rota, which is often fast monsters and 2x damage. Once those are finished, it's total randomisation, which is where you joined yesterday. It takes a long time to get to the randomisation rotation, so it doesn't happen every session.


Bonus challenge: Find Trudy­®

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40oz said:

Is it typical that TNS use regenerating health, and replace all the monsters with archviles and decorate cyberdemon variants? Or was I just late to the party? Gameplay was very messy :(

What Eris said...

40oz said:

Also did that new jersey session ever start?

There was a time when we would move the session to USA server after 3 or 4 hours, but we don't do it anymore... US people just prefer to join the european server.

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