Dark-tenshi Posted May 22, 2002 a bit detail of DOOM3,here ya go! http://gamespy.com/e32002/pc/doom3b/index.shtmlThe year: 2145. The place: Mars. We're currently zooming over the Martian landscape, passing over a massive installation of the Union Aerospace Corporation. Inside, a number of guards are chatting as a scientist passes by and sneaks into a nearby room. Now sitting at a computer terminal, the camera pulls in close to the scientist. He's nervous, obviously up to something he shouldn't be. His face is lit up by the glow of the computer screen, flickering in unison with the display of information on the monitor. After a few moments, explosions rock the facility, causing machinery to crash to the floor and sending boxes falling off shelves. We can see some sort of red portal, with a number of ghostly skulls flying out of it. They rip through the installation's personnel, changing them into something cnot quite human. Elsewhere in the facility, you duck into a corner when a huge shadow suddenly envelopes the area. The creature attached to it is at least a few feet taller than you, and it's hard not to feel overwhelmed as it slowly lumbers by. You smartly choose not to fire your pistol as the creature passes, oblivious to your presence c for now. UPDATE DOOM3 shots! http://money.cnn.com/news/specials/e3/doom1_frame.html awesome! 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 22, 2002 It's a remake! On Mars!! wh000t! Can't wait for the movie. 0 Share this post Link to post
Burzum Posted May 22, 2002 FUCK, I WANT IT !!! *arghhh* 2003 :[ Sorry :> 0 Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted May 22, 2002 interesting note -DOOM3 is "retelling" of original DOOM storyline -Science fiction writer Matthew Costello (7th geust,11th hour) did the dialouge and storyboard of DOOM -a bit of DOOM3 demonstration video about physicsAnother highlight of the demo was the physics and collision system - items reacted to surrounding events in ways we've yet to see before in any game. "Things fly off shelves as they should," said Stratton, "it just makes the world so much more alive." Indeed, one scene shows a character falling down steps, while another shows boxes getting knocked off a shelf and bouncing to the floor in an entirely realistic manner. -multiplayer:deathmatch mode is expected at the very least, and that other decisions will be made as development t continues. 0 Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted May 22, 2002 it`s remake.i once hoped it would be sequel.but now,i don`t why,i am become pleased with it.i`m really looking forward how it will turn be.the engine sounds pretty solid (can`t wait for video).with real time lighting,physics engine etc.. 0 Share this post Link to post
mmnpsrsoskl Posted May 22, 2002 AH! Fucking sweeeeeeeeeeeet. C-a-n-n-o-t w-a-i-t. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zoost Posted May 22, 2002 "One of the design goals of the game is to terrify people," Stratton explains, "we're setting up scenarios to scare people." Thank you very much, now I will never sleep again. thank god! I-N-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N; now I want even more. Heavy addictive stuff. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted May 22, 2002 Oh God. Oh God fucking dammit oh marymotherofjesusonapopsicklestick oh GOD. Well, here's all the juicy bits for those who don't have the time/self control to actually read trough the article. The video they're showing is 11 minutes long and completely in-game. It's a remake of the original Doom, with most action on Mars and a sidetrip to good ol' Inferno. There's definetly a shotgun that can cause some messy, bloody situations. There's also an assault rifle that apparently kinda resembles the one from Halo (which is nice, as long as the sound isn't as wimpy as Halo's). Science fiction writer Matthew Costello helped develop the story for the game. There's lotsa neat eye and mouth animation, and the whole fucking thing has a cinematic feel to it. I swear too much. The physics system sounds like it's going to rival Unreal 2's physics. Which is nice. Trent Reznor did all the sound for the presentation. Buttons and monitors don't just have textures on them now, but 'interactive flash-like' things. Development tools are built into the game, and everything's highly flexible. This is the Holy Grail of FPS level designers. The year is 2145. I think I just wet myself. /me faints 0 Share this post Link to post
Revenant! Posted May 22, 2002 Don't know what to say.... :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zoost Posted May 22, 2002 "we want to get inside your head and make it an unpleasant place to be." WATCH OUT; DOOM IS EVIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen 0 Share this post Link to post
Zro Posted May 22, 2002 I have to get a job to get enough money for a computer that can run it... 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted May 22, 2002 Woohoo, this is gonna kick some serious ass. :D I WANNA SEE SOME FOOTAGE NOW! FOOTAGE! FOOTAGE!! Gonna ROCK! /end fevered ranting YES! This is fantastic stuff. 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted May 22, 2002 2145 HAH! 'round 2150 has always been my guess for when DOOM takes place. Screw all of you thought it was any later! :] 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted May 22, 2002 Oh, and I left out the most important thing of all : Bath. Room. Scene. 'nuff said. 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 22, 2002 Are we gonna have to pay to be able to see the new demomovie when it comes out today?? If so, die Gamespy die... 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted May 22, 2002 Disorder said:Are we gonna have to pay to be able to see the new demomovie when it comes out today?? If so, die Gamespy die... You'll probably just have to wait 50 hours in the queue... or wait for someone here to set up a mirror :) 0 Share this post Link to post
gatewatcher Posted May 22, 2002 i wanted a sequel, but o well. this sounds like its gonna kick some serious @$$ =). wow i cant wait!!!!!! i'm just a bit confused tho, if its a remake why is it on mars? is it the speculated plot of another marine on mars fighting while the original marine fights on the phobos and demos? and what can we expect from the new inferno? maybe the same maps only modernized with the new tech? i dont know someone help me i cant think strait!!!!!! wow! 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted May 22, 2002 Mars, Phobos, Deimos - it's all the same really. Actually it makes more sense to put it on Mars, since the planet has much more interesting features than it's moons. I personally hope one of the maps will take the player up to Mount Olympus - it's 14 miles high, which makes it the highest mountain in the solar system. Would be a good show-off for the terrain stuff... if they have any. That's the one nitpicky thing I'm still kinda worried about - maybe with all this detail going on, Doom III isn't going to be suited for large areas. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 22, 2002 It rocks that the new game will be a remake, and it sounds cool and all, but why the FUCK did they call it "Doom 3"??? Oh well. 2145 - good year to set the game in, makes sense - I like it! Yes!!! A good excuse for why things go wrong, betrayal, intrigue, SUSPENSE!!! Yesssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pistol returns! Yesssssssss!!!!!!!!!! The shotgun is back, but ummm, which one? An assault rifle will be in the game - cool...as long as it's done right. Now I'm just waiting for news that there will be a chaingun in the new game and I'll be all happy :-))))) 0 Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted May 22, 2002 there are zombies in game,will it be same zombie man in DOOM or resident evil stlyed zombie?from Mac Video ,there was RE style zombie in demo.maybe DOOM 3 zombie will be like this.i hope it won`t be too hard to kill.at least one shotgun shot should manage to kill it (and make the body exploded ,Muhaha) the shotgun should be done right.will the assault rifle replace double barreled shotgun? 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 22, 2002 gatewatcher said:i'm just a bit confused tho, if its a remake why is it on mars? is it the speculated plot of another marine on mars fighting while the original marine fights on the phobos and demos?If I'm right, the last time I checked the Discovery Channel, it mentioned Phobos' and Deimos' physics hardly allow a spacestation to be build upon it. In fact, those moons are pretty small and useless. Mars itself is more suitable to build a base upon it's surface, and to let things go wrong... Very, very wrong ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted May 22, 2002 will the assault rifle replace double barreled shotgun?No, it will replace the chaingun. /me winks at dsm 0 Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted May 22, 2002 hey guys,DOOM3 shots! http://money.cnn.com/news/specials/e3/doom1_frame.html the fourth shot of that pinky model is really really really Great!!!! that blurry shot couldn`t do the justice.and it looked really good!OH! /Drool 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted May 22, 2002 Dark-tenshi said:hey guys,DOOM3 shots! http://money.cnn.com/news/specials/e3/doom1_frame.html the fourth shot of that pinky model is really really really Great!!!! that blurry shot couldn`t do the justice.and it looked really good!OH! /Drool WOOH!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted May 22, 2002 Well I've made a new thread with the shots in them. Discuss over there, this thread is closed now. Enjoy. 0 Share this post Link to post
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