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Zandronum Saturday Night Survival #149 - Burl Garrulismo


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This week we are delving into the award-winning Burl Tumd, which was awarded a 10/10 by numerous video game critics all over the web. It will be paired along with the groundbreaking, door smashing and revolutionary design of Garrulismo, a 2004 Spanish megawad that contains 32 great maps. Make sure not to miss the Day Zero launch of this epic event.

Lives: 1
IWAD: doom2.wad
WADs: garrulo, Burl Tumd v7, MLG Bonus (required)
What day: Saturday, November 8th, 2014
What time: 18:00 UTC
United Kingdom: 19:00
Russia / Moscow: 22:00
Eastern Time (US): 2:00 PM
Where: Best Ever
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