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ZDaemon Sessions #375 - Z-Match: 3RD STRIKE


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Here's a fresh and Third Deathmatch Wadfile from DoomKid92 and his crew. A great set of 14 maps - and to celebrate its release we're going to run it this Saturday!

Game mode: FFA
IWAD: Doom 2
PWADs: zdm_3, zvox6
WAD url:
Date: Saturday November 8th
Times: Euro: 19:30 BST (14:30 EDT); USA: 02:00 BST (21:00 EDT)
Locations: [SDA] / Dwango United NJ
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I'm so ecstatic to see this WAD featured on ZDaemon Sessions. A lot of tender love and care went into making ZMatch: 3rd Strike.

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Man, it went off tap earlier! There was like 10 people at once in Crispy's map, that was nuts...

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Doomkid said:

Man, it went off tap earlier! There was like 10 people at once in Crispy's map, that was nuts...

Shit that must have been one hell of a cluster fuck...

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