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Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)


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That's a fucking grade-A shot there, franckFRAG.

Also like those Panophobia shots, though it took me an embarrassingly long moment to realize they're presented in before/after format. The first couple especially remind me of parts of 'Belial's Bad Brain' (and thus, also of 'The 21 Cyberspirits', I suppose), certainly not a bad thing.

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^ That is nothing short of glorious! Keep up that amazing work man :)


I got inspired from playing Icarus AV again:

Silver is love, silver is life.

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I've probably said this before, but I love your stuff Afterglow. In particular I've always admired how you approach your architecture in maps. The new textures are fantastic to boot :D

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I was bored and decided to use this neat tool for creating gifs with maps winthin wads. Have a render of my entry for Doomworld mega project 2014, which ended up getting corrupted for some strange reason:

Honk Honk

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Tango said:

not much, but this is the only section in the map so far that's actually viewable, without HOMs everywhere


It's still the best screenshot I've seen all day. That sky is incredible even without the mountain scenery you've got in front of it.

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@Mech & StupidBunny: thanks! yeah the palette is modified. the pink/maroon ranges are more maroon, so it looks like that now. I didn't make the sky myself, pulled it from the ZDoom texture thread at one point I think... forget who made it, but I have the credits somewhere on another computer. Fuzzballfox had something to do with it, I think, maybe Enjay too?

edit: apparently it was originally by IMX and Fuzzballfox

here's another unrelated shot from a set of short, simple maps I pumped out one week. made for ZDoom, specifically for that Complex Doom mod, but I might eventually retool it for my own set of resources one day. this is the only map of the five that I went back and detailed.


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mrthejoshmon said:

I got inspired from playing Icarus AV again:



Silver is love, silver is life.

Alright, I like silver bases! There's not enough of them being made lately. Your one looks good, as well as your other shot you've posted later.

Afterglow's and Tango's shots on this page are looking all great - well, maybe except for the computer screen bit Memfis mentioned.

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Hmm. After Xmas themed wad I'm working on and releasing, I might as well work on a silver base.

Feels like I've overdone base themed :P

Gonna be a while since the layout may be tricky. It will be my first urban themed wad.

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Jmickle66666666, I probably make too early assumptions, but to me, your wad looks like it's going to overcome UAC Ultra 2 on its own playing field. As I prefer vivid colours over dull ones, I congratulate you already!

And Du Mhan Yhu: Yay, that's a pretty extensive layout with some detailed parts. Impressive.

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jmickle66666666 said:

haha thanks! what playing field may I ask? i like uac ultra 1 a lot, definitely inspired a lot of the structure

UAC Ultra 2 Episode 1 was released a year and a half ago. Here is its thread (got helled because of a flame after 40oz's "controversial" promotion shout), there's a download link in the OP. It turned out to be quite different from UU1. It consisted of extensive abstract techbases (yet unique!) with focus on exploration and D1-alike gameplay, which actually ended up boring for many people. Completely new textures, but majority of them was in greyscale only, very dark and bland. Your map design in your screenshots reminded me of UU2's way of abstraction, as well as the textures, except for not being bland. If you won't limit yourself to just D1 monster cast like 40oz did, you will probably achieve better gameplay than UU2 had, too. That's what I've meant. They'll be similar in various aspects, yet yours looks better at first sight. At least that's my first impression. They might not end up being similar at all, eventually.

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(click to zoom)

with the help of prboom-plus's -levelstat command that generates a text file list of details from a map(s) playthrough, I created a batch file that extracts the total kills from the text file for each map, sums them up, and saves the total in a file. I can open doom anytime I want, kill some monsters, and quit, and my deathtoll adds up so I can keep track of how many monsters I've killed, so long as I complete the level. I wish I had made this 10 years ago!

I'd share it but it's pretty sloppily written and prone to errors. I don't know if there are any cheat prevention measures I can take either, as there really isn't anything stopping me from starting my deathtoll at 999,999,999,999,999,999,999 if I wanted to just by editing the text file.

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Now you have the proof that I am a german grammar nazi: I immediately recognized the usual mistake between "your" and "you're" in this screenshot. ;-)

And even worse: It contains both correct and wrong versions.

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Not sure if I should really be completely re-texturing this as well, but I couldn't stand all the horribly misaligned BRONZE02 everywhere.

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