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Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)


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Cheers Cell, I'm using the Plutonia IWAD and resources for the whole megawad but it's not meant to be a Plutonia fan sequel or tribute or anything.

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EvilNed said:

Or Ghost town.

A lot of maps...

I'd have to agree. Neurosphere is one of my favourite maps, and that already has a Doom 64-ish vibe - it would look great!

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purist said:

Cheers Cell, I'm using the Plutonia IWAD and resources for the whole megawad but it's not meant to be a Plutonia fan sequel or tribute or anything.

Never mind, it's still a fact that Plutonia resources are the most authentic of all the IWads.

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Marcaek said:

Authentic to what?

To the pure nature it tries to represent, even if sometimes it fails quite hard in terms of map design and so, but it still does have the "Back to the jungle" feeling throughout most maps.

My bad, thread derailment at its finest. *Disappears*

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I'm thinking the concept behind this map will be that there's this mystical... tree... thing? which the Mayans discovered (at least, that's the excuse I'm giving for using all the mayan textures) ages ago and humans have since attempted to explore (to give the map a change of mood and theme). The player will make their way through these two civilizations several times and finally reach the inside of this... tree... thing in the center, which I'm envisioning will be a very architecturally complex natural area. I'm also attempting to give the player chances to explore and find 'hidden' areas, although my initial desire to make the entire map non-linear was probably a bit unrealistic for a map this size. Also, it'll all be boom-compatible.

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Sounds quite imaginative. Good luck with that. :)

On a side note, i don't think I've seen a Treant used as an enemy in Doom. Just a random thought.

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A treant could work as a Baron replacement, I think.

And then you can replace the HK with a slightly faster combat unit of sorts

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purist: It looks pretty mire like too, more than the previous one.

Impboy4: Cool idea making Plutonia into Doom64.

Getsu Fune: The dark and the fullbrighted wall in the 2nd shot look kinda off in that scene.

stewboy: You could add some woodskulls or gargs as decorations somewhere there on the wood platforms.

walter confalonieri: The street lamp could look better with the lamp part from the metal textures, or with the lite textures.

Sodaholic said:

Hey, Jimi, while you're at it, have you considered implementing 16-angle sprites? Maybe hi-res? It'd arguably make the model output look better. The 16 angles would especially help in horizontally elongated sprites.

I've thought about it, but I'm fine with just the increased resolution to allow player to see distant areas better.

Improved the machinegun, tried it and its ammo as pickups too. They have angles, but I think the angled sprites don't work for them so well, at least not for the gun. The front/back angles on the gun make it look almost the same size as the ammo. And the ammo just look so similar on all angles that it could just as well be one angled sprite.

Yea, and maybe the view weapon sprite is too big. I'll render it smaller or just offset it lower. The muzzle could be more visible too.

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scalliano said:

More or less, aye. I call it "Ultra 64" :P

Not "Threshold of Pain 2: ULTRA ACT 3"?

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Not actually part of ToPII, just a little something to help get the creative juices flowing again as I've kind of hit the wall in recent months.

And I'm a big fan of UAC Ultra :)

Also, kind of annoyed that ToPII is around 75% done and only now have I discovered that UDMF allows sector colour to be applied directly. Going back to Hexen format for the final few maps is gonna be tough ...

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scalliano said:

Very WIP.

Heh, unusual decision with lighting up STAR* panels instead of the usual computer screens.

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Memfis said:

Heh, unusual decision with lighting up STAR* panels instead of the usual computer screens.

Yeah. I like. Are those red startan walls actually red or is it just colored lighting? I really liked dark red startan! WCould be used for some really interesting and atmospheric weird techbase stuff.

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scalliano said:

Also, kind of annoyed that ToPII is around 75% done and only now have I discovered that UDMF allows sector colour to be applied directly. Going back to Hexen format for the final few maps is gonna be tough ...

If they already exist, you could convert them. GZDB handle it fairly well now (including tricky things such as line type 121 and the like). And if they haven't been started, nothing prevents you from having Hexen and UDMF maps in the same wad.

By the way, something else you can do in UDMF: set a monster's render style and hit points. See here.

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I am playing around with running ZDoom in GeDoSaTo to get a CRT display feel. Seems I have to use 1080p as the scanlines make everything suitably chunky and smaller text becomes pretty much unreadable at lower resolutions.

The curve at the edges feels a bit too pronounced so I'll try some different settings for that. Still wondering what other kinds of post-processing to use. Right now I have some HDR and tonemapping active which seems to darken things nicely.

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Memfis said:

Heh, unusual decision with lighting up STAR* panels instead of the usual computer screens.

Been doing that for a while ;)

darkreaver said:

Yeah. I like. Are those red startan walls actually red or is it just colored lighting? I really liked dark red startan! WCould be used for some really interesting and atmospheric weird techbase stuff.

Coloured lighting, I'm afraid, although it is UAC Ultra's own dark grey STAR texture.

Gez said:

If they already exist, you could convert them. GZDB handle it fairly well now (including tricky things such as line type 121 and the like). And if they haven't been started, nothing prevents you from having Hexen and UDMF maps in the same wad.

By the way, something else you can do in UDMF: set a monster's render style and hit points. See here.

Three of the remaining maps are finished, with the others all at least started. Something worth considering, although that last bit is just rubbing my face in it :P

@essel: Given that this is a completely separate thing I'm working on, I didn't want to just do another faux-PSX map. Using a new texture set brings a whole different set of aesthetic choices and I'm finding it fun to step away from what I normally do. That said, there are some easily recognisable scall-isms in the architechture ;)

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Using Mars War to test a new project. Since I can't sprite worth shit, I've decided to use other people's sprites for my weapons. The M79 depicted is similar to the original code base in regards to animation, but has some differences in how the grenade itself is launched.

On another note, this is a beautiful vista for a 90s era WAD.

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Jaxxoon R said:

Working on a deathmatch map. Does anybody have any tips for sprucing this area up?

I suppose an item or two could help it look appealing, perhaps a decorative item?

Or some cover, something to hide behind so you don't get shot to shit when exploring.


A very recent Nomac90 video inspired me to begin making a little 90's style map, this is all I have so far:

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