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Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)


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2 hours ago, valkiriforce said:

You mean the arachnotron?


yes, every time I see a monster corpse float in a wall inlet I grind my teeth :E

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20 hours ago, dobu gabu maru said:

It keeps itself exciting for 32 levels, even though there's only one person at the helm. Each level has its own unique concept, like avoiding a mastermind in a series of vents, or staving off hundreds of imps from the literal mouth of hell, or hunting for poisonous fruit amongst overgrown vegetation. It's absurdly clever in how it continues to surprise you even after you pick up on mouldy's quirks, and is one of the most memorable releases from the 2010s along with Ancient Aliens. The set is well loved by a lot of people here for a good reason.

Gave this one a go, I'm enjoying the first few maps, I'm not too far into it yet. One of those megawads I completely missed :(

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I just start to work with textures on "replacement" mod. I dont realise how much doom have textures :-D

Screenshot_2017-09-21-17-22-16.png.b2f69aa2493eaf8c9c632ec919545305.pngnot much to show right now.

Mod will not be vanilla or limit removing compatible

Edited by Mr. Trotl

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testing some dehacked stuff (spectre cyberdemon is a modified dead lost soul thing, and actually works!) and finding a old picture of a super deformed version of heretic title in my heretic folder:


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The latest version of my OP Weapons on some of my maps:












Empyrion (my maps):


Edited by Empyre

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2 hours ago, Dutch Doomer said:

I have no idea how to implement gameplay in an area such as this, so thats another challenge to overcome. I think I'm putting way too much effort into the design of the map, which is always something I run into when designing maps. Starting to get mixed feelings when I'm working on it, am I on the right track here?


Looks great to me. It looks like the player doesn't have a huge amount of free movement space, so the above area isn't going to be good for a pitched battle; however, it looks like a nice setup for turret enemies and flyers, with the player having to watch their step and not fall into the liquid (which I assume is painful).

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53 minutes ago, Mikami41 said:

Ladies and gentleman (Also @scifista42)

My sector toilet xD !


That's impressive work! I'd love to see just how many 3D control sectors you needed to get it right.

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42 minutes ago, Bauul said:

That's impressive work! I'd love to see just how many 3D control sectors you needed to get it right.

Took me 10 dummy sectors to make properly the 3d sector toilet xD

i had fun while making it.

it's on a project im working on (i'm making a wad with 6 maps, i already made 5) .

here's the picture of the sectors, and the full mapset.

Sin título.jpg

Sin título2.jpg

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5 hours ago, Dutch Doomer said:

Finally after quite some work I can say this area is pretty much finished, thought I would never finish it. Okay, I took my time, but filling this area with rocks took me quite a while. I tried my best to make the rocks looks as natural as possible. My initial idea was to create two buildings with a rocky canyon inbetween, so I succeeded in that. Altough some parts didn't turn out as I would have liked, but don't want to remove it and start over either. I have no idea how to implement gameplay in an area such as this, so thats another challenge to overcome. I think I'm putting way too much effort into the design of the map, which is always something I run into when designing maps. Starting to get mixed feelings when I'm working on it, am I on the right track here?


that looks excellent :D I really like the color scheme. I remember years ago seeing you post some shots of a hell map with a really awesome red + black combo using SP_HOT and probably some black rock texture. do you remember the map I'm talking about? did that ever get released?

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6 hours ago, Dutch Doomer said:

Finally after quite some work I can say this area is pretty much finished, thought I would never finish it. Okay, I took my time, but filling this area with rocks took me quite a while. I tried my best to make the rocks looks as natural as possible. My initial idea was to create two buildings with a rocky canyon inbetween, so I succeeded in that. Altough some parts didn't turn out as I would have liked, but don't want to remove it and start over either. I have no idea how to implement gameplay in an area such as this, so thats another challenge to overcome. I think I'm putting way too much effort into the design of the map, which is always something I run into when designing maps. Starting to get mixed feelings when I'm working on it, am I on the right track here?


I just admire all those great mappers out there! 

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9 hours ago, Tango said:

that looks excellent :D I really like the color scheme. I remember years ago seeing you post some shots of a hell map with a really awesome red + black combo using SP_HOT and probably some black rock texture. do you remember the map I'm talking about? did that ever get released?

I'm gonna bet you mean NDCP 2 map 29.

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22 minutes ago, Lazorinc said:

Proof of Concept: Dark Rocket Imp, will probably end up really filtered and rounded in the image


He looks like he'll fly back about fifty feet every time he fires that thing.

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On 9/21/2017 at 6:42 PM, Dutch Doomer said:

I have no idea how to implement gameplay in an area such as this, so thats another challenge to overcome. I think I'm putting way too much effort into the design of the map, which is always something I run into when designing maps. Starting to get mixed feelings when I'm working on it, am I on the right track here?

Beauty is its own reward, and you have already achieved that.


A radical solution to your problem is to leave the place empty, just an area for us beauty-addict players to gawp over while we soak up the atmosphere, and then put some nasty setpiece inside one of the buildings. Let the tension build.


As others have noted, the overall architecture begs for snipers and flyers. If you go that route, please, no turreted Chaingunners. ;D  Some Imps, a couple Revvies, maybe a few Sergeants should suffice, though if you want to go for pelts, substitute Mancs for Imps. For flyers, I'd advise Cacos and Lost Souls, but no PEs. Just some incidental combat to keep up appearances while you prepare to crush us someplace else. 


So those are a couple ideas. If you want to knock the snot out of us, though, just amp things up as you desire. 

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On 22-9-2017 at 4:05 AM, Not Jabba said:

Looks great to me. It looks like the player doesn't have a huge amount of free movement space, so the above area isn't going to be good for a pitched battle; however, it looks like a nice setup for turret enemies and flyers, with the player having to watch their step and not fall into the liquid (which I assume is painful).

Seems this area will be good for flying enemies, don't think a large battle will work well here, cause like you said there is indeed not alot of room to manouver.

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On 22-9-2017 at 7:02 AM, Tango said:

that looks excellent :D I really like the color scheme. I remember years ago seeing you post some shots of a hell map with a really awesome red + black combo using SP_HOT and probably some black rock texture. do you remember the map I'm talking about? did that ever get released?

I really can't remember honestly. I think I did make some attempts before with red and black textures, but have no clue for which project that would have been. Don't think I ever released anything with that color combo before.

3 hours ago, Steve D said:

Beauty is its own reward, and you have already achieved that.


A radical solution to your problem is to leave the place empty, just an area for us beauty-addict players to gawp over while we soak up the atmosphere, and then put some nasty setpiece inside one of the buildings. Let the tension build.


As others have noted, the overall architecture begs for snipers and flyers. If you go that route, please, no turreted Chaingunners. ;D  Some Imps, a couple Revvies, maybe a few Sergeants should suffice, though if you want to go for pelts, substitute Mancs for Imps. For flyers, I'd advise Cacos and Lost Souls, but no PEs. Just some incidental combat to keep up appearances while you prepare to crush us someplace else. 


So those are a couple ideas. If you want to knock the snot out of us, though, just amp things up as you desire. 

Chaingunners would be murder in an area like this :p I think I will put the flying types of monsters supported by Imps and Knights/Revenants. Think I'll reserve the tougher battles for the indoor areas. Thanks for your input :)

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 I really can't remember honestly. I think I did make some attempts before with red and black textures, but have no clue for which project that would have been. Don't think I ever released anything with that color combo before.

It was meant to be for cc4... I remember the screenshots, myself being a fan of the red and black combo and all, Shame you never finished it, as it looked really impressive.


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I scrapped so many cool ideas and only ended with heptagram and small part of textured floor :"")

idk at 2017.09.23 23-08-08.447 [R2990].jpg

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