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Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)


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holy shit that Nova shot is insane. looks so cool. who made that map?


edit: oh it was dobu haha. I should have guessed that

Edited by Tango

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5 hours ago, Tango said:

that looks incredible. the textures, the geometry, the lighting. looks so good. are you shooting for a release anytime soon?


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9 hours ago, YukiTakashi said:

Ye, I'm still polishing up Justin's Xmas wad. atm I'm pretty much done. Implemented BRIGHTMAPS


Interesting to see you're still working on what was the first screenshot in this thread. :)

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7 hours ago, EmotionalFelineinaMadstate said:


Ramp in Chocolate Doom.

Yeah the main problem with 1-unit "slopes" is the headache of manually aligning the textures on the sides. Usually worth it though

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2 hours ago, bioshockfan90 said:

too bad this is only for the purpose of the screenshot, not an actual map! :(

Lol, people make rooms now just to show them here?

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9 hours ago, A.Gamma said:

This was for JoM 5, but I didn't finish in time, so with Jimmy's permission I'll eventually release it as a standalone project.







In some way this reminds me of Spawn V1.0.

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2 hours ago, Memfis said:

Lol, people make rooms now just to show them here?

I actually considered that at some point. I can't make a finished level, so maybe a pretty picture is better than nothing?..

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Shot from my E1M5 remake, in the yellow key circular area (with the secret chainsaw/outdoor area). Somehow, despite my denseness, I managed to make some really nice functional bridges, one of which you can see in the lower left region.


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7 hours ago, Memfis said:

Lol, people make rooms now just to show them here?

nah, it WAS gonna be a map but then i just gave up on the prospect of that due to some things

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@Fuzzball Those are cool as heck. I would probably have made the edge connectors silver not gold so as not to confuse with the actual key colour, especially on the cards where the edge connector rivals the colour indication in size/area of pixels. But then again it probably doesn't matter in practice.

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2 hours ago, Bauul said:

I've been exploring combining Shadow Maps from the latest versions of GZDoom with the Ancient Aliens texture set, for a new as-yet-unannounced project.  I think they work rather nicely together!

those look beautiful. do you have to manually enable shadow maps from somewhere in the menu?

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@Bauul It looks awesome! I almost do not follow the port updates, but ... are they real shadow maps, or is there some kind of tricky manipulation with textures? In which GZDoom version can this be applied?


@Matthias Never say never. :D Most obstacles is overcome by perseverance. Skills will come with time (checked). Never stop try.

Edited by StormCatcher.77

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45 minutes ago, Matthias said:

wtf? I should stop mapping, I will never be good as you guys!:(

I have felt this way myself many times but I always come back haha. I try to accept that what I make can still be good, even if it might be different and never as mindblowing as what a lot of other folks make. there have been a handful of times throughout the years that I've been totally blown away and in awe of a map or screenshot, and even though my initial reaction is what yours is here, usually it pushes me to start doing something new (inspired by whatever cool shit I'm in awe of) and improves my mapping in the long-term

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7 hours ago, Bauul said:

I've been exploring combining Shadow Maps from the latest versions of GZDoom with the Ancient Aliens texture set, for a new as-yet-unannounced project.  I think they work rather nicely together!









I fucking love this.

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 @Tango @StormCatcher.77 Shadow Maps are a client side setting introduced around GZDoom 3.0 I believe. You need a GPU that's OpenGL 3.1 compliant as far as I know, and a relatively powerful PC, but then you just turn them on from the Dynamic Lights menu in Display Options. No tricks, it's genuine dynamic shadows (albeit only against GZDoom dynamic lights).


They're primarily a tool for custom maps: you won't see much difference in the IWADs. They do have a bunch of limitations, but that's up to the mapper to overcome. If you build a map with them in mind though, they can look great.

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