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Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)


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@Steve D Will your episode be significantly different to what you released a few years ago? I remember playing 5 or 6 maps from it and waiting for the final version in anticipation. Genuinely thought you stopped working on it.

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@Firedust You were playing the 2016 RC8 version. I'm currently on the RC126 version. ;D That said, it won't be hugely different. In some cases, I made changes @Capellan suggested with the aim of preventing co-op players from getting stuck behind bars, for example, the red key bars that lower behind you in M9 have been removed completely. Aside from stranding co-op players, it also caused pursuing monsters to get clogged at a chokepoint and ruthlessly slaughtered when the player returned. Now, they can keep chasing you, which is always better. I also altered both M6 and M9 by providing a rocket launcher where players really needed it, and which they might not have if they chose those paths first. I made those changes after watching FDAs by @rdwpa where he was stuck plinking away at Cacos with single-shotty, and there were a lot of Cacos. I don't want to torture the player with tedium. ;)


A lot of the changes have been little niggly things, including lots of minor visual changes, but because there's 9 maps and you have to save after each change, in the end it adds up to a lot of Release Candidates. I've spared the community from suffering through all of them with me. ;D


The main thing is that the final release is the official one, and has better versions of the maps, even if they're just slightly better. Grabbing the official version also increases my download count at idgames, which puts me in a good mood. :)

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13 minutes ago, Bridgeburner56 said:

My mind may have snapped but some interesting things have fallen out


I know that every day gets me closer to finally playing some of your maps. Or maybe I've missed something that's already out for playtesting?

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@Steve D You haven't missed anything, this was going to be my first release but I've foolishly agreed to do Joy of Mapping next weektomorrow which is scheduled for release on Christmas Day. There are layers of irony that my first public map will be from a speed mapping session that is a tribute to Doom 1.

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@Steve D Thanks for clarifying! I look forward to playing your episode. Love me some classic Doom.


@Bridgeburner56 I thought you were done with your refracted reality maps for some reason. I definitely remember you saying how you were working on your last one.

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6 hours ago, Bridgeburner56 said:

My mind may have snapped but some interesting things have fallen out

The floating Runes are pretty amazing.


Also, i'll be starting Sunlust this week...pray for me...


I got my GZDoom set up with some nice software mode settings.  Looks nice and crunchy!


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16 hours ago, bonnie said:

yes sir!!


Do what? The silly blood text? Making fun little textures like that is really just a matter of knowing what you want, knowing where you can find the pieces, and knowing how to put it together. I know that sounds obvious, but for me that really means using google images, font sites like dafont.com, and various other sources of images and text and whatnot before using paint.net to scale and edit them to my liking. If you know what you want, have basic editing skills, and are resourceful, you can make lots of fun little textures for yourself, such as some of these (just a small sample): https://imgur.com/a/DBKLGj5


Note that the base for the stained glass texture is from gothictx but I still made a broken variant by just doing some jagged erasing, the power symbol panel was made by drawing a compspan-style square and cutting/pasting a power symbol from iwad textures onto it, the vents were taken from google images, resized, then "broken" using the same method as the stained glass, and finally the graffiti was made on a special dafont-like website for making your own graffiti graphics (the rest were just found and resized).


As for the blood text in the screenshot, that was created using a bloody font, an extra bloody font, and a washing hands symbol from an actual "employees must wash hands" sign found on google. People should honestly really try making their own make-shift textures more often, it's fun and can add quite a bit of spice to your maps. c:

(just remember to source your stuff if you get it from somewhere obscure or notable)


And don't be afraid to be extra creative with them. In the same map with the "employees must wash hands" texture, I had breakable vents, usable vending machines, an edited iwad texture of a computer monitor as a switch with a checkmark vs an X, plenty of silly motivational posters, the edited power symbol as the door to a fuse box, and most importantly, this in a secret room as a reference to shadow warrior (this one took a bit to get right):

Thank you.

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@Gez normalmap+spec

@Bridgeburner56 epic! Love those yellow triangles remind me horns and how the color works with red.


Looks better in game :)


Edited by Teder

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@elend Just wanted to say that I really love your enthusiasm for other people's works :)

Edited by KVELLER

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@KVELLER Haha, well... I hope it's not considered "spamming" yet. I really just like most of the Doom Screenshots here. I don't know why, but this year I really got addicted to Doom and especially mapping. It started with "Blade of Agony", which I just wanted to try out for shits and giggles. Then I noticed other recent maps. Then GzDoom Builder. Now I am hopelessly addicted... T_T

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E1M4 of Shotgun Symphony was about 45% complete when I stopped work in 2000. Personally, I find modernizing old maps to be equal amounts of fun and PITA, since I always want to do things that are difficult or impossible to accomplish within the existing structure. So when a map has as much unfinished area as this one, the fun factor goes up.




The nukage plane you've always wanted. ;)





Here, you're looking out from the exit room of E1M4 at a BFG that's in a secret area of E1M5. Every map in Shotgun Symphony exits into the starting area of the next map, creating one giant complex. M4 and M5 have an enormous shared area, most of it inaccessaible to the player. The part you can reach is this secret area. To the best of my knowledge, none of my playtesters has ever found this BFG. Could you be the first? Hint; think about E1M7 of Fava Beans.



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Alright, got 3 thumbs finalized for upcoming playthroughs.




It's like stages of grief...lol.


Anyway, they are finalized as long as @Linguica is okay with me using/modifying his InstaDoom graffix.

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13 minutes ago, Bridgeburner56 said:

Tonight's joy of Mapping efforts:


Even at lower details, I can still see the Bridgeburnerness of it.

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16 minutes ago, Bridgeburner56 said:

Tonight's joy of Mapping efforts:


Great to see a "normal" map get the Bridge treatment. Looks awesome!

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