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Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)


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18 hours ago, Eris Falling said:

Clearly I'm at the height of my mapping career. This somehow stemmed from the 3ha3 TNS session recently, rofl


I think I laughed way too hard at this!

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There was talk a few years back of a British megawad, like Japan did JPCP. Hopefully if it ever happens this texture can be put to good use there :P

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Please for the love of all that's british let me make a map for that, if it ever becomes a thing. Also is there some kind of 'UK Doom group' or am I reading too far into it? :P

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10 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Also is there some kind of 'UK Doom group' or am I reading too far into it? :P

Nah, it all stemmed from this thread, and yeah some great mappers would be involved in this. I'd definitely like to see it happen one day.

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British Doom Army checking in!  Jolly good, and what a cracking idea you rapscallions.  Lets show Johnny Foreigner what a good stiff upper lip can accomplish!

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This sounds amazing, I need it in my life please make it happen so I can pretend I appreciate British culture for more than Monty Python and Iron Maiden.

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I'm calling dibs on making a map out of crumpet based textures while the national anthem in midi format plays in the background.


Whoever wants to host the community project, hop on it! :P

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I think @purist wanted to lead it, but that was another thread, can't remember. This could actually take off soon! I will say though, I'm not leading anything :)


Now, since I've derailed like a whole page, have a WIP automap shot. Looks like this map will actually get finished!


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10 hours ago, Da Werecat said:

And a bearskin as an armor bonus.

Why a bearskin? From bear and ragged staff?

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IMO the health bonus should be fish and chips, and the armor bonus should be a tabloid.


Pickup message changes:

"A chainsaw! Ban some sick filth!"

"You've got the BFG9000! God save the Queen."

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I want to see a former human skin in the style of the Royal British Guard, bearskin hat included.

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13 hours ago, Jimmy said:

Sign me up for this shit too.

Pick a side, Perth boy. Line in the sand.

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For the love of all that is red, white, and blue we need a 'Murcan revolution to combat this British invasion. Like Elvis did with The Beatles, except with hopefully less drugs this time and maybe a bit more winning on our end.

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I'd love to partake in some British tomfoolery.

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17 minutes ago, Fonze said:

For the love of all that is red, white, and blue we need a 'Murcan revolution to combat this British invasion. Like Elvis did with The Beatles, except with hopefully less drugs this time and maybe a bit more winning on our end.

I believe you already have one.

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where at least i know i'm freeeeeeeeee




here's er a picture of doom

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3 hours ago, Da Werecat said:


Hmm, I had no idea those were called bearskins. Good thing I don't have to pass the naturalisation exam.

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I found my one of those doom mapping drawings in screenshot. I hope,everyone started with squares and triangles. Well,now I would do something different than this. 


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Made some more progress lately, so far I've been working on the interior areas only. At the moment not really sure how I want the outside areas to look, I'm playing with some ideas. But its coming along just fine.






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Working on my own Ultimate Doom megawad.


E4M4 - "Sinister" or something like that. I'm not creative with level names. :')




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Wow, the second screenshot looks like something straight out of a wad by Karthik Abhiram.

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