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Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)


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Ah, sounds like this whole time I've used something I shouldn't have. The map is pretty old now, so I wouldn't feel to disheartened if I had to rework the appearance. Maybe it'd freshen it up and motivate me to finish it. :P

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@TangoWhat I'm doing is this. And that's only the starting part of the map -_-



The brightness, contrast and gamma of the game has normal values (why DW darkens the images, I still don't know). The trick is this....check the Doom 64-lighting section in that window. With that option, you can do some crazy stuff like the image below...





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10 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Ah, sounds like this whole time I've used something I shouldn't have.

At least in the case of the purple flat alone, this should be all OK, though. Using SLADE3's recolor feature and Doom's water flats, it could be recreated in 30 seconds anyway.

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Sadly the rules of Cereal Killer state:


On 11/06/2016 at 1:04 PM, Crunchynut44 said:

no external textures outside of the stock and CC4 texture pack.


So I'll obey. I don't mind honestly, I'm more than sure there's suitable alternatives.

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Nevermind, I didn't realize you were making the map for a project with its own rules, I thought the sole issue was this part of cchest4's textfile:


Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. The sole exception to this is the Community Chest 4 Resource WAD, which is included with this file in cc4-tex.zip.


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Weren't most of the textures that dragonfly used also used in lupinx's map? I think i recognise a few. 

If so, I suppose he could ask lupinx if it's ok to use said textures but then again, I completely forgotten the CK rule about not using any other textures outside of cc4-tex.

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Made a map in about a half an hour which may or may not be something for a possible megawad where every map I make was made in 30 minutes.


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2 hours ago, Roofi said:

It's time to kill the big boss ! (map : DHOLES by TimeOfDeath)



howdy. i'm the sheriff of doom

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2 hours ago, Roofi said:

It's time to kill the big boss ! (map : DHOLES by TimeOfDeath)




A Giant Robot Cyber Spider Demon!  Nice!

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7 hours ago, Roofi said:

It's time to kill the big boss ! (map : DHOLES by TimeOfDeath)


<giant cyberdemon construct>

Sheesh... Eat your hearts out, Mario Maker Bowser Towers.

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On 17.08.2017 at 11:01 PM, Phade102 said:

No, i did not 'do the same thing again' there were no screenshots


You clearly didn't get the point, I see... well, not a part of my problem really.


On 17.08.2017 at 11:01 PM, Phade102 said:

I took the whole post because it was all important and something I wanted to make clear.

Was it worth to quote whole Yugi's post? I don't think so, bud. His post was good and important, but blyat', again, why you quote all text instead of inserting "*important post and things to me*" message?

On 17.08.2017 at 11:01 PM, Phade102 said:

Could you please keep these sort of comments out of this post, which is here for posting pictures and replies to them, not personal vendettas?


On 17.08.2017 at 11:01 PM, Phade102 said:


On 17.08.2017 at 11:01 PM, Phade102 said:



On 18.08.2017 at 3:03 AM, 40oz said:

No, i did not 'do the same thing again' there were no screenshots

Looks like act of self-protection, against dunno-whatever-else-but-whatever.


On 18.08.2017 at 5:25 PM, nxGangGirl said:

Something I haven't touched in over a year.

Looks promising, very much.

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It seems as if I have not posted in this thread in awhile, probably due to lack of mapping ideas. But I decided to bite back and make some Ultimate Doom thing again. A cave system, alright...




Oh god what have I done (there will be lost souls and cacos here).



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6 hours ago, 40oz said:

wifey made this and left it on my desktop yesterday. I could cry.



This is fucking precious.

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8 hours ago, 40oz said:

wifey made this and left it on my desktop yesterday. I could cry.




Should be nominated for a Cacoward.  [/joking]

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My firefox is fine, though my net is slow and only one of those gifs has finished loading in the 10 minutes since I opened this page :P Looks fantastic though!

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30 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

The hell? Why do none of you use Internet explorer???!

I'm using google chrome, my pc is garbage and loaded the gifs just fine...

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