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Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)


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41 minutes ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

So, you're telling us that your DECORATE text lump has over three hundred thousand lines for one monster?

How much of that is junk? 99.99%?

is not all garbage although it seems, what happens is that it is a boss monster, and has more than 20 attacks, and well, with these images you can see why xDScreenshot_Doom_20180723_174548.png.fbc151ef6ceb371f4fb7d684ef8d5827.pngScreenshot_Doom_20180723_174614.png.cf63c1e7b98a1b23a6d894f16c856474.pngScreenshot_Doom_20180723_174738.png.44537c1ee6d9ab8957c5997ad426cbf4.pngScreenshot_Doom_20180723_174818.png.357ee35d2f1f78ca25c8a043e703dfcc.pngScreenshot_Doom_20180723_175047.png.1936dc1e3ef9d669e5f1e8b0ada25b40.png



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1 hour ago, Bauul said:

I've been tinkering with doing a creepy tech-base level for Elementalism, using mostly a combination of Torm's Too Much Brown texture pack and HidFan's Doom 3 texture pack.  Chuck in some spark actors and some flickering lights, and the textures do 99% of the work for you!

Glad to see D3tex put to good use in doom finally, quake community already done some crazy things with it. 

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5 hours ago, Gaia74 said:

is not all garbage although it seems, what happens is that it is a boss monster, and has more than 20 attacks, and well, with these images you can see why xD

(images snipped)

To be honest, that looks like something out of a terryWAD. Just minus the creator's face as the boss sprite.

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@Bauul Those cables are not only textures - I made simple md3 model (two triangles plane) and thx to thad I can put them easily where I want. Here are models, textures and DECORATE file. In the decorate file are descriptions where are textures from (DOOM 3, QUAKE 4, Aliens vs predator 2). I ripped them and make a new pk3, so you can use it if you like. There are 12 cables models.





Just change zip to pk3.


EDIT: @Bauul your gif looks great!


Edited by Teder

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9 hours ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

Was that worth it, he says.

The answer is of course it was worth it to have stuck that one out.

Eternal Doom is terrible. But MAP29 was pretty good.


Good to know I'm not missing anything by never checking it out myself then.


8 hours ago, valkiriforce said:

Only 47 minutes?


Depending on the nature of the levels, that's usually a lot of time in my book.

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@Gaia74 20 (twelve) attacks!? WOW! I belive long code, because all sfx stuff are always long coded. As on screenshots it's got many particles attack. There was time when I was playing with Doom physx objects. I made a can that could be flip when you shoot it, so if you constantly shoot it jumps and could land one of the three sides, after few shoots it degrade but still works until permament death. To do it I used 3 separate models. I used more time to write a code than build a model. But 300 000 sounds gorgeous.


BTW I like your stuff.

Edited by Teder

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On 8/21/2018 at 2:14 PM, BrassKnight said:

I just figured how to import textures in Slade so I started making a map using them:

*screenshots using Mars 3D Textures*


Nice to see someone's map(s) using Mars 3D Textures. 

Especially the ART-07 texture was nothing to do with Mars 3D or DooM at all. :P


Also, I don't mind being got credited but the resource WAD (from R667) was not converted by me(at least I uploaded the original game ISO/MARS.MAD file and then shared the converted MARS3D.WAD file for "history reasons", or something like that! :P), but the actual conversion was made by a guy named Mozai, he even given the Python script for converse the MAD file to WAD format(but sadly the link didn't worked anymore).




Nah, this feels weird about got credits from something I never did... :3

Edited by Player Lin

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57 minutes ago, Teder said:

@Gaia74 20 (twelve) attacks!? WOW! I belive long code, because all sfx stuff are always long coded. As on screenshots it's got many particles attack. There was time when I was playing with Doom physx objects. I made a can that could be flip when you shoot it, so if you constantly shoot it jumps and could land one of the three sides, after few shoots it degrade but still works until permament death. To do it I used 3 separate models. I used more time to write a code than build a model. But 300 000 sounds gorgeous.


BTW I like your stuff.

they are even more attacks, but I said those of the missile part, because some trigger more attacks,  also some attacks make he talk to you(since the monster can talk to you congratulating you for dodging an attack, or angry because you hurt her people )

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Weirdest thing I've done in Heretic, probably: leading Maulotaur all the way back to the starting room (E3M7). Fortunately he stayed there for the rest of map. Neat thing to keep in mind for mapping purposes.


Edited by Lore

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18 hours ago, Agent6 said:

Depending on the nature of the levels, that's usually a lot of time in my book.


Same, but with Eternal Doom I thought it would have taken much longer to solve MAP30 considering how cryptic the progression is.

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These two screenshots are from TNS. I have around a hundred screenshots of TNS, some of them not worth showing imo. I can upload them to an Imgur album if some people want to.

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Say Hello To Kaiser And Her 2 Elite Guards!, In Her Office! (pd: Bienvenido it means welcome)

Kaiser En Su Investigacion.png

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(Community Chest 2, MAP07)





P.S: Does anyone know the name of this effect? I've seen it before in rare opportunities.

Edited by galileo31dos01

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On 8/24/2018 at 7:38 PM, Lila Feuer said:

Most levels I played in Eternal Doom had 'SUCKS' as my time.


Eternal Doom would have been a lot better had the puzzles not been so obnoxiously obtuse.  The maps had mandatory secrets and hidden switches all over them just to progress through the levels at all.  The final map in particular, Excalibur, was hellish in that regard.  I could understand hidden switches for optional secrets, but not mandatory secrets for every level.


If anyone ever decides to make an Eternal Doom 2, the focus should be on making the puzzles a bit more intuitive.  


Having said that, the use of Heretic and Hexen assets in the levels worked really well in terms of the megawad's visual presentation.

Edited by Master O

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6 hours ago, galileo31dos01 said:

P.S Does anyone know the name of this effect? I've seen it before in rare opportunities.


Modified COLORMAP?


Unfortunately I think all GL ports don't use this lump.

Edited by Vermil

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Boom colormaps should be supported by GLBoom+ and GZDoom, at least as long as you don't try to make exceedingly clever effects.

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15 hours ago, galileo31dos01 said:


(Community Chest 2, MAP07)





P.S: Does anyone know the name of this effect? I've seen it before in rare opportunities.

What the name of this mod? I'd like to play it.

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