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Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)


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RjY said:

Note also one frame of the loop is not bright.

Refire frame, to be precise.

It also makes the firing speed inconsistent, because its duration is 1 (one of the two shots in the firing animation takes 1 tic longer than the other).

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RjY said:

An attacking chaingunner, appearing to dance around on the spot from certain angles.

I'd say this would fit right into an as-of-yet-nonexistant "incorrect sprite offsets" bug/quirks category page on the wiki.

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That shot reminds me a lot of a certain Doom 64 map, I can't remember the name but I know it linked to one of the secret maps holding the purple pentagram Unmaker upgrade.

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Avoozl said:

That shot reminds me a lot of a certain Doom 64 map, I can't remember the name but I know it linked to one of the secret maps holding the purple pentagram Unmaker upgrade.

Altar of Pain?

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I've been play-testing the UAC Enterprises Reboot for Obake. It's reworkings of some of his favorite levels from his megawad, UAC Enterprises. Since the time he released that, his mapping skills have greatly increased. I've taken screenshots throughout and thought I'd share some here.

I wish I had some screens of the original for comparison's sake. Still, these should make for an interesting look into a WIP map-set. Obake uses these forums so I'm sure he'd appreciate any feedback.

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Looks like a nice start Eris! I think perhaps perfectionism is getting the better of you.
Maybe try your hand at some casual speed/limitation/imitation mapping, rather than making stuff with a grand vision in mind?

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Seems you've been quite conservative with the color choices, because it's not really obvious the lighting is colored.

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That is some nice work. I've never been a huge fan of colored lighting in Doom (especially not PSX Doom's 'evil disco' look) because it often appears obtrusive to me, but this is subtle, tasteful.

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@BlackFish I think the previous sky looked much better. Maybe you could make a skybox out of that - then you'll have both a skybox and the more complementing sky texture.

@Eris Falling That rock area looks terrific. If I were you --- then you'd be me and feeling tired after an all-nighter on a week day, but I, on the other hand, would look for grass texture alternatives as this one contrasts a bit too much - the rock texture looks realistic while the grass texture does not, and I'd change the wooden bridge* as I don't feel it seems natural in that area, and finally I'd try to redesign the base structure because it looks very primitive compared to the landscape work you've done, but I think you're possibly already aware of that.

*there are like 3 clashing themes going on there, IMO; the wood, the rock, and the structure wall "fabric". You could try a darker wood color (matching the trees, perhaps).

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I stand by my assertion that your (joe-ilya's) outdoor areas are too bright, but at this point I suspect it's just a matter of preference (or maybe my architecture sucks so I have to hide it under cover of dark?) Looks like good city-level action, and enough room to maneuver, even if the shot doesn't show much else.

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