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I love the army


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I just enlisted in the 19th mechanized infantry of the Swedish army. The past two weeks people have been yelling at me to make me make my bed correctly, don't mess up my clothing at inspections, clean the barracks better, run here and there in full body armour while sweating gallons of water and to assemble and disassemble my weapon during a certain time span.

I still kind of like it.

I feel really bad that I write a such an obvious post hell-candidate, but hell, I have to write something.

Did I miss anything these past weeks?

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The past two weeks people have been yelling at me to make me make my bed correctly, don't mess up my clothing at inspections, clean the barracks better, run here and there in full body armour while sweating gallons of water and to assemble and disassemble my weapon during a certain time span.

Well shit what did you think it was gonna be, college with guns? I coulda told you that...

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...and how the hell did they even let you get to a computer?

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Oh my GOD !!!! They put someone in the Swedish army... And he plays DooM !

/me tells everyone in Sweden to take cover.

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Well shit what did you think it was gonna be, college with guns? I coulda told you that...

Well, not really. Just almost.

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Try to rocket jump, see if it works...

Hey, take it easy, they haven't let me at the rocket launchers yet! Personally, I think it works. That is, the part that you fly away works, but that you will land in one piece is more uncertain.

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...hell, I have to write something.

...why is that?

...Because I haven't been on the internet for two weeks, and hence not this forum either. Goddamit, I haven't touched a computer in two frickin' weeks. It was many years since that last happened.

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