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Boom Deathmatch/Coop Flags Not Working In Zdoom? [SOLVED]


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This is probably an abovious problem, but it's one i've only just come across.

Basically i've set multiplayer specific flags in a Boom compatible map but for some reason (at least in Zdoom) i can't get them to function as they should. I've set deathmatch specific weapons to 'multiplayer' and 'not cooperative' but unless they're given a difficulty setting, they don't show up.

It might be the way i initiate deathmatch mode, but to test it i type 'deathmatch 1' into the console in zdoom, i start a new game and none of the deathmatch only flagged items have spawned, but everything with a difficulty flag has, which are all the single player items and monsters.

In the gameplay settings the appropriate deathmatch properties are enabled, such as respawning items, no monsters ect, but still, no dice.

Is it because i shouldn't utilize deathmatch mode via the console, or is there something else i'm completely missing here?

Help an idiot out.

Edit: Might also like to add, even with the multiplayer only items set to a difficulty, they still don't respawn.

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Six said:

I've set deathmatch specific weapons to 'multiplayer' and 'not cooperative' but unless they're given a difficulty setting, they don't show up.

Um, duh? Difficulty settings are required for all things other than player starts. Deathmatch weapons in particular are normally flagged to appear on all difficulty settings, since practically no players care about difficulty settings in deathmatch.

Six said:

Might also like to add, even with the multiplayer only items set to a difficulty, they still don't respawn.

Should they? You said monsters appear in deathmatch, which indicates that you haven't started your deathmatch game with the appropriate settings, despite your insistence that you have.

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Regarding difficulty settings, for some reason i assumed that all deathmatch only objects needn't be flagged with any difficulty and would spawn regardless. Not sure why i assumed that, but that's dealt with.

The enemies i noticed weren't flagged 'Not deathmatch' which indicates that they would spawn regardless of the game mode, but now they don't. Items however, still don't respawn despite deathmatch settings saying they should.

Somewhere here i've not set something up right, as if the dmflags aren't being set correctly. I've tired other CVars but to no better result. I even set 'alwaysapplydmflags' to 'true' to test it.

Edit: I've fixed the issue. Turns out the dmflags weren't saving, so everytime i left the gameplay settings screen the options reset to default.

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