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RETRES.wad Status Bar file use

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I have downloaded the RETRES.wad resource file and I just want to use the status bar that was shown in Eternal Doom because it looks really cool. What files do I need from the resource file and how do I just get the status bar (nothing else is needed)to work in Doom for personal use?

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For personal use ;
Extract it with slade, save it into your pwad using slade.
so you could make a tiny resource pwad like 'sbar.wad' to load together with what you want to play,
or just include it into your hobby wads.


But for public use, you are expected to credit the creators or read their usage conditions.

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Taskmaster777 said:

how do I just get the status bar (nothing else is needed)to work in Doom for personal use?

Use SLADE3 (or another wad-content editor) to copy the status bar related graphics into your wad. In particular, the status bar related graphics inside RETRES.WAD are all graphic lumps above C_START marker.

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Guest Unregistered account

Sorry for pointless post, but TaskMaster's status appears to me as "Registered Lurker"... which is surely impossible? :/

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On 99%, he has originally posted this thread in /blogs (or is there another subforum where your post count doesn't raise?) and it got moved.

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That is weird if I am considered a lurker -_-'... What the hell? I am still getting used to this stuff as well as how to post and the funny thing is I just tried Slade and created the status bar wad myself actually. The strange thing is that (knowing that this site is for Doom) my eduke32 for Duke Nukem 3D and SWP for shadow warrior are not playing their background music, very strange. Thank you all for your input on this topic. Doom rules \m/ and has the best community ever!

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