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Abyssal Speedmapping Session 13 - Full circle!

(poll removed by request)  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. (poll removed by request)

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Previous session.

Yes, I am compiling the last session. :) This particular session though marks the one year anniversary of the Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: kind of hard to believe that I've been holding these for a year, I must say. So for this session, I'm doing something slightly different: PM me the themes that you want to see from the past sessions and the top 3 will be used come that weekend. Cool, innit? This one will be held on the 14th of December at the usual time of 2pm NZ time: newcomers be sure to message me on Skype if you wanna join in. Stay classy!

EDIT: Thanks Essel for sorting out the poll. :)

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I much prefer it when you launch a brand new selection of themes on us come crunch time, Obsidian. The ol' hustle and bustle that eventuates makes for a really enjoyable skype session.

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Alfonzo said:

I much prefer it when you launch a brand new selection of themes on us come crunch time, Obsidian. The ol' hustle and bustle that eventuates makes for a really enjoyable skype session.

Hmm, you have a point. Any way to hide poll results? :/

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Posters should submit a theme to Obsidian in private, and Obsidian should choose 3 of them randomly on the call or something. That would be fun.

I'm incredibly busy with lots of stuff, but I might be finished with coursework when this takes place, so I may join in!

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an_mutt said:

Posters should submit a theme to Obsidian in private, and Obsidian should choose 3 of them randomly on the call or something. That would be fun.

I'm incredibly busy with lots of stuff, but I might be finished with coursework when this takes place, so I may join in!

I like this idea. :) Lemme check if I can delete the poll.

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Just a reminder: if you want to participate, send me a PM with the 3 themes you want to see used come this weekend. Try pick 'em from some of the past sessions.

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Here are the themes that have been used, for the lazy:

Wood textures only
Hell textures only
Outdoor textures only
Fortress behind waterfall
TNT MAP04 style (evil clone map)
Ruined fortress
AV MAP31 style ("Killer Colors")
Required use of provided DEHACKED monsters
10 sectors
2 flats/2 textures
1 tag
Fortress of Mystery
Fortress on a cliffside
Space station
Required use of one of the three provided texture sets
Haunted mansion
Nightmare sequence (think Silent Hill or Cry of Fear)
Lots of liquid
Exit filled with archviles and FIREBLU
Lots of circles

Man Obsidian you sure love your fortresses. :D

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scifista42 said:

Oh come on, don't tell me that you forgot to post the themes in the thread once again.

Someone told me on the call that they'd posted them for me. 8-0

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Name: Necrodromero
Theme: E4M6 basically
Music: "Sinister Waltz of id" by me, made in 30 minutes before the session started
Compat: Boom

EDIT: hotfix'd to clean up non-lava damaging floors, whoopsie doodle

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