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Probably the wrong place to ask

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Recently, i've been playing HL again, and i get errors when i play some mods when the map changes. Like, it will crash and i will get the window that says "Cannot open /valve/decals.wad" or "Cannot open /valve/halflife.wad".
This is EXTREMELY annoying. Any help would be appriciated

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Definately the wrong place to ask.

You're in luck tho, cos I'm a HL veteran. (that sounds dumb)
It means that half-life can't find the wad files. it happens when people compile their maps wrong. If it's sayin that it can't find valve\halflife.wad then it can't find the main wad file for the textures. This may sound dumb, but have you accidentally renamed your valve folder in the HL dir?
Try running normal half-life. if it works, then it's something wrong with the mods, not your install of HL.

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No i figured it out. I had to move all the wad files from \valve\ into my mod folders. Stupid mods ;)

Thanks btw.

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