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John Romero is publishing previously unreleased textures for the community on twitter


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I really like the exploding demon (at least the first half of its animation) and the flaming marble pots. Also cool to know about the Spider Mastermind's intended "magic" attack (with an existing sprite for it).

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Fucking awesome! The monster scans are great and a bunch of the patches and sprites never even made it to the alphas. I love what they did with the pre-beta SKY1, even if it is a garish mess.

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scifista42 said:

Also cool to know about the Spider Mastermind's intended "magic" attack (with an existing sprite for it).

Unfortunately, the sprite is of little use without rotations.

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Da Werecat said:

Unfortunately, the sprite is of little use without rotations.

I didn't even think about its usage when writing my post above. But I actually think that it can be well usable even as a single-rotation sprite.

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Glad to see I was correct about my suspicions on Doom 1's intermission screens; they're sketches.

I wonder what this was supposed to be, though. Seems like it was either an interpic background, a sky, or a wall of some kind.

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Awesome to see everything got released as nice .png files! And good work Xaser and Jimmy on getting some of this stuff in more usable states too! I was going to take a crack at getting that font in-game, but now I don't have to, heh.

I've already used some of the Doom alpha stuff in Vela Pax, so some of this might make its way in there as well.

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BlueFeena said:

I wonder what this was supposed to be, though. Seems like it was either an interpic background, a sky, or a wall of some kind.

I'm even more interested in where did it came from. I really doubt it was made from scratch.

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Wow, I wonder if these were all for Doom, or is some where for Doom II? Some of them seem pretty earth'y... what with the condo details & things. Awesome pressie.

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scifista42 said:

I didn't even think about its usage when writing my post above. But I actually think that it can be well usable even as a single-rotation sprite.

Victory air pump, for when he headshots the player?

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Well now we know.

That backwards-legged pinky demon is not a mistake, since he had an actual bird-legged creature right in front of him and chose not to do it that way. Interesting to see just how fucked up the archvile's face got during digitization, I'm guessing he was one of the last monsters to be made in Doom 2, what with his face being a blurry mess in many rotations. He was probably rushed along with most of the game, lol.

It's also nice to get our hands on the finalized version (?) of F_SKY1. Those pipe graphics will be very useful, I imagine.

Thank you, John Romero.

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

Really liked these Death sprites ...

Oddly enough I've seen these before in a couple of mods and sprite sheets. Most notably is the headshot animation, which is used, albeit modified in Brutal Doom, and also exists for a headless zombieman skin on the Doom Legacy Skin Emporium. A google search will also yield results for that cut in half death, except modified for Shotgun Guy and Zombieman usage.

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Cutting in half death is present in the beta. I don't remember decapitation death from any of the pre-release versions though. But, seeing as it's a relatively simple edit of the regular death, maybe it was made independently by id artists and modders - the results would be pretty similar to each other (too lazy to actually compare).

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What's interesting about (some) of the original clay models, is that the are WAY less detailed than what various "hi res" sprite or 3D model projects have tried to achieve.

The finished sprites hardly look like they lost any detail when compared to the originals. Then again they might have been sculpted knowing that they'd be reduced to a fraction of the scans' resolution.

The only exception might be some of the highly detailed ones like the Revenant, Archvile and Spider Mastermind, but at least Doomguy and the Baron hardly look any more detailed than their sprites.

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Gez said:

Romero posted the missing rotations of the possessed soldiers.

Oh yes!

It seems that christmas comes early this year!

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Is it just me projecting my inner douche, or can the usage of these resources eventually become frowned upon as jumping on an opportunistic bandwagon or something silly like that? I feel really tempted to use some of this (the corpse pile is excellent, the added zombie rotations are a clear improvement, and I like a few of those tetxures) in my lifelong zdoom project thingy, but for some stupid reason I feel really apprehensive about doing so.

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Just use them- fresh resources are very nice to see! Besides don't we normally see the same ol' stuff being used all the times in projects?
CC4 texture set being a good example!

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FuzzballFox said:

Just use them- fresh resources are very nice to see!

They won't be fresh by the time anything I ever use them in gets done :P

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Antroid said:

Is it just me projecting my inner douche, or can the usage of these resources eventually become frowned upon as jumping on an opportunistic bandwagon or something silly like that?

Frowned upon, why? What's wrong about using an opportunity we just newly gained? Does it matter how many people jump on this opportunity? Nothing like that yet happened (I mean, a mass of subpar mods haven't yet been released), therefore let's just do what we feel like to do, without worries. I, for example, don't feel an imminent need to do anything with these resources. :) But I'm still glad to see them surfaced and becoming usable!

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A lot of the stuff that's been released is interesting, but these missing frames in particular raise an interesting question, because they are so obviously important and, like, instantly canonical. Is it copyright infringement to include them in a WAD? (Technically, yes.) What if a source port wants to automatically include them? Like, they are still copyrighted by id / Bethesda / whoever, even though they were never released before, and source port authors in particular have to be careful about copyright stuff.

It's would be a pain in the ass to have to always include a little resource WAD with the missing frames, but I don't think source ports can just include them and have them be loaded in automatically, because that's taking a little too much liberty with copyright.

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Linguica said:

Like, they are still copyrighted by id / Bethesda / whoever, even though they were never released before, and source port authors in particular have to be careful about copyright stuff.

Are they? I mean, they were never included in a commercial product, and they were just released for absolutely nothing, free, by one of the developers. Sure, they were made by them, but this feels more like some sort of small free mod made by the developer (I think Bethesda did something like that for Morrowind? Siege of Firemoth or whatever). Or released source code/alpha resources. I don't think these are off limits. Maybe someone can just ask for clarification?

scifista42 said:

Frowned upon, why? What's wrong about using an opportunity we just newly gained?

Reasonably speaking, nothing's wrong with it. But I just know that if I wasn't feeling the urge to use this, I would judgementally look down upon people who did. I'm kind of a dick like that sometimes. :(

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Antroid said:

Are they? I mean, they were never included in a commercial product, and they were just released for absolutely nothing, free, by one of the developers.

Everything is covered by copyright the instant it is created. The fact that the frames weren't included in Doom is irrelevant. It's possible that Romero got permission from Bethesda to publicly release a bunch of artwork that they own, but somehow I doubt it.

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Hm. What does that mean for when developers do genuinely release free things for their games though? To expand on an earlier example, which is kinda relevant because bethesda, a bunch of free plug-ins for Morrowind made by them are available on their site. In such a case, does it mean that you can freely download it but can't redistribute or something? Or is this different just because it's Romero and not an official Bethesda release?

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