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Ultimate Doom “In Name Only” - [Limit Removing] - Artist for titlepic/M-Doom etc needed

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1 hour ago, joe-ilya said:

I can't force to push someone else's map away, it can be rejected with a simple "no", which I didn't get from cannonball until now. I don't have hostages or blackmail material, stop exaggerating.


Taking a concept from a map, and executing it differently because I don't think it's memorable enough for its slot; is not rude, I was just trying to make a cooler opening map to make a better first impression for the megawad.


Since cannonball said no, I am going to repurpose it for the Doomer Boards Projects.

Enjoy your likes.


I was hoping you'd learn from your past mistakes and improve your attitude somewhat, but It seems like this isn't the case unfortunately. You should know better than to be a dick to people who have repeatedly told you to stop.

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My main concerns:

1. Joe's map doesn't add anything new to the table
2. Why making a map all of the sudden without even asking to the project leaders if you can?
3. Did you even speak to the map's author at least?
4. Why doing the same greedy thing of posting "THIS IS MY TAKE ON MAPXX BECAUSE I DIDN'T LIKE THE ORIGINAL ONE BY X" just as with D2INO?

3 hours ago, joe-ilya said:

Making a map is not rude, regardless of context. If you feel morale is at risk, then you're reading too deep.

Yes, in this case is not only rude, but inconsiderate to force the project managers to replace a map you didn't like with yours just because. More in a project you don't even have any type of involvement, NOT EVEN PROPER FEEDBACK. And talking about feedback, first, give yours about E1M1 if there is anything to fix. No. If you don't like it doesn't count, preference is not proper feedback.

Have some manners, kid. This seems that is not the first time you are being like this.

And sorry, but the only way to treat "rude" people is by being "rude" (Not to say a total asshole), so I can't say anything nicer to you.

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8 hours ago, Processingcontrol said:

The map could definitely use some changes - most obvious is the incredibly outdated meme in easter egg area - this should definitely be removed or replaced with something less cringey. Also now that project is limit-removing, the outdoor are could use some visual touch-ups - when designing it I had to make some major concessions to fit the vanilla limits.


Feel free to modify your map however you see fit. I think it's still a great entry, so don't feel pressured to build on it if you don't want to.


As for the joe E1M1 discussion—it's over. We don't need anyone else to comment on it.

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I wanted to make the map because it's SO MUCH FUCKING FUN, I don't need a godamn license to make a map, that's my attitude!

While making the map, I knew there was a big risk of rejection, but I did it anyway because mapping is SO MUCH FUCKING FUN!

You guys are superstitious AF. Sure, call me a rude dick, or something, I'll still be making maps whenever I feel like it.


@Processingcontrol Your map is totally fine and good fun, I just don't like the empty hangar concept, I felt it was a waste of potential.

It seems like a rehash also because the layout itself resembles the progression: You start in some trenches, walk in corridors with windows, and end the map with a big square room with two ledges and teleporting enemies.

One thing I could pin-point is how the placement of the green armor is similar, as both of them are on top of some stairs that open up a trap.

Edited by joe-ilya

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35 minutes ago, joe-ilya said:

I wanted to make the map because it's SO MUCH FUCKING FUN, I don't need a godamn license to make a map, that's my attitude!

While making the map, I knew there was a big risk of rejection, but I did it anyway because mapping is SO MUCH FUCKING FUN!

You guys are superstitious AF. Sure, call me a rude dick, or something, I'll still be making maps whenever I feel like it.


No we're not, but you are very inconsiderate, however. People have told you multiple times what the issue actually is here and you still dismiss them.




9 hours ago, dobu gabu maru said:

As for the joe E1M1 discussion—it's over. We don't need anyone else to comment on it.


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There is also an option to compile "outtakes" wad when this project is completed. And include there maps that were not included in UDINO for some reasons, so that the work of the mappers was not in vain.

Edited by riderr3

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Rider's right, you'll still get your map featured in the UDINO expansion pack, heck, it'll be front and center since it's in the E1M1 slot

Also, first time I've heard the term DoomCute.. what's that mean?

Edited by Untamed64

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  • 3 months later...

Right, time for bump/progress update.

There are three maps (E1M7, E3M7, E3M8) that do not have a playable submission at the moment, so if those working on these maps could just give a brief progress update that would be fine. Personally with other projects out of the way, I will try to solely focus on this in the limited free time I do have with the hope that things to move forward a little quicker.

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50 minutes ago, cannonball said:

There are three maps (E1M7, E3M7, E3M8) that do not have a playable submission at the moment, so if those working on these maps could just give a brief progress update that would be fine

Core gameplay of my map is done. Just needs a few more triggers and some detailing to round off the package and it's good to go. I've had a very rough cut of the map that I sent to a few people and so far the small amount of feedback was positive.

I just didn't have it in me to map much while it was still so damn hot over here, but I'll pick the map back up early next week, and hopefully have a presentable beta within a week or two, give or take.

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@cannonball E1M7 is currently assigned to Bloodskull, but in searching this topic and all DW members with "Blood" in their name, it appears that Bloodskull no longer exists as a member of Doomworld, as in, no record of their ever existing here. Unless you have some way of contacting this person, it looks like we need a new mapper. If you have any material Bloodskull submitted, perhaps someone else could finish the job. Note, I am not volunteering. ;D


Then again, maybe I made a mistake in my searches and Bloodskull is still around, in which case I'll suffer a little embarrassment. Won't be the first time, or the last. ;)

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2 minutes ago, Horus said:

I believe that Bloodskull is now known as @MikeyScoots


Ya know, I had just finished some more research and made that very same discovery! :D


Edit: So yep, there it is, a little more embarrassment for The Ancient Keyboarder. ;) But a big sigh of relief for the UDINO team.


Edited by Steve D

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I have Magnusblitz's E3M7 draft but haven't touched it since we had last traded messages. Including his scraps, this is the MS Paint outline I came up with:



Aiming for a smaller map as a breather between E3M6 & E3M8, but "smaller" always means at least like a 10 minute playtime for me :P I'll try to prioritize it in the coming weeks.

Also important to note that @Peanut needs to update his E4M7, and it'd be great if we got a TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, M_DOOM, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is my final version of E1M2. The only difference from the last version is that I changed the Keep Out letters in a secret area from black to red. Small change, but IMO it pops better.


I don't expect to make any more changes in my maps until the RC comes out and we get playtester comments.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Thank You to whoever that was involved in making this, its an enjoyable experience. I hope to see in the future the fifth episode done for SIGIL too.

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Thought I might as well bump this thread to see where the remaining maps currently stand. I have a bit of free time this week to hopefully push things forward a little bit (Annual leave plus the UK is still in lockdown so I can't do anything).

@MikeyScoots I have pm'ed you regarding E1M7. The initial shots you sent showed real promise.

Edited by cannonball

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So rather than delaying working on E3M7, I've actually been working on E3M7!!!!! Starting... three days ago :P


Nothing important to show other than a few boats. Intended map is still the same as the draft I posted above: something medium sized that will serve as a breather between GoS NIH's maps. Good news is that I'm not making any other map until E3M7 is done, bad news is that the final room will take a bit of work.


Considering that we're four maps (E1M7, E3M7, E3M8, E4M7) from completion, of which E3M8 & E4M7 already have a solid base, I think assigning a soft deadline to start the beta testing process is plenty fine.


Edit: I don't know why "M7" has been the problem child of this project (I personally had to edit E2M7!)

Edited by dobu gabu maru

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1 hour ago, dobu gabu maru said:

something medium sized that will serve as a breather between GoS's maps


Did I promise maps to this project at some point and then forget about it??

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1 hour ago, Grain of Salt said:


Did I promise maps to this project at some point and then forget about it??


Oop sorry! Meant NIH! Guess I got the "ladies who harm me" mixed up in my head

Edited by dobu gabu maru

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Yeah... quick update time while I'm suffering from lack of good sleep for no apparent reason at all...


So, my map as it stands is still in a mostly finished state, and I'm fine with a deadline at this point... The only things that are still going to take some work is diorama detailing, which turns out to be a rather ungratifying endeavour for this one, and I happen to be kinda stuck with regards to MIDI selection for the map... I have one that I think works fine for players who know what the map is asking for, but for somebody who plays the map and doesn't realize they're on a timer and may need to start over, well... It could turn out to be pretty exhausting to listen to over time. I'm not quite sure what to do about it, other than slotting in a different MIDI, but I haven't been able to decide which one just yet... It's not a big deal, but it's also the first time I've ever had this problem, so I figured I might as well rant a little bit because why not..?


EDIT: Also, as for difficulty, my E3M8 isn't anywhere near as tight or difficult as the E3M6 I've built, the only thing that really needs to be accounted for is that the map will be impossible to beat if players happen to be too slow, and the timer is rather generous, too, because the win condition of the map may have a fair bit of intrinsic variance to it...

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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2 hours ago, dobu gabu maru said:


Oop sorry! Meant NIH! Guess I got the "ladies who harm me" mixed up in my head


1. No worries!

2. I have never harmed you :C

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12 hours ago, Grain of Salt said:

2. I have never harmed you :C


You made Death is Fantastic, don't you lie to me!


Though let's be honest, I'm not one to talk when it comes to accusing others of "harm". Speaking of, I have a dirty little idea for E3M7, but I'm not entirely sure how... fun? it'll be. It won't be demanding but it might be obnoxious. Will have to see.

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@cannonball I finally updated my map after two years, please add it to OP.


v2 changes:
-removed one box of cells due to a overabundance of ammo
-fixed blue key trap trigger lines, so that the trap is always activated
-moved the exit room a little, so that the player does not meet opponents ahead of time

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/eyvd5x60liglbjp/e2m2dino_v2.zip/file

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  • 1 month later...

Right, time for a deadline related


So I  thinking that it is time to put down a deadline for submissions ready for beta testing. This date will be the 1st of June with the hope that the final release will be done by the end of the year. Some kind of artwork would be nice to have by this time but obviously it is not the highest priority. Hopefully this will suit everyone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Today marks exactly one month until I want to start proceeding with moving this into a beta phase. 

So we are still waiting on a couple of maps, E1M7, E3M7 and E3M8. Also E4M7 was still in a phase of heavy edits if I recall. It would be lovely to have these in a fully playable state come the end of the month. The only worry at the moment for me is E1M7 (@MikeyScoots), I pm'ed you a little while ago so it would be nice to have an update.

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