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How does doomguy open doors?


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Doomkid said:

Lets be honest, if you were a door someone's mom, wouldn't YOU open for doomguy?


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FireFish said:

Do not try and open the door. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
There is no door.
Then you'll see, that it is not the door that opens, it is only yourself.

I really believe we need more Matrix-inspired wads.

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Let's say that all openable doors are accompanied with something that detects presence of a living being, and that this living being touches/presses the door in such a way (?) that it's obvious he wanted the door to open. This something is technology-based in techbase doors (maybe a scanner), and magic-based in hell doors, curiously they both appear to work the same way. Some of these scanners/magics only open the door upon touching it with a keycard or a skull key. At other times, they don't work / aren't there, so that the door can only be opened from one side, or remotely by a switch or walkover sensor or anything.

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scifista42 said:

Let's say that all openable doors are accompanied with something that detects presence of a living being, and that this living being touches/presses the door in such a way (?) that it's obvious he wanted the door to open. This something is technology-based in techbase doors (maybe a scanner), and magic-based in hell doors, curiously they both appear to work the same way. Some of these scanners/magics only open the door upon touching it with a keycard or a skull key. At other times, they don't work / aren't there, so that the door can only be opened from one side, or remotely by a switch or walkover sensor or anything.

What about secret doors?

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scifista42 said:

Let's say that all openable doors are accompanied with something that detects presence of a living being,

What about former humans and obviously deceased creatures like revenants?

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He has a remote control that gives signal to the thing that's infront of it, if doomguy needs a key he'll simply touch the wall/door with it.

And let's say all the monsters have the remote control.

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William Blake said:

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.

So there you go.

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Maes said:

Reminds me of my what happens between levels thread.

Cool thread, I always imagined that the exits lead to rooms, or tunnels or corridors or lifts, which some of those have been mentioned. Then he just walks to the next area....possibly killing demons along the way but for our benefit it just shows the transition on a quick mini map.

And as for those levels where he is about to be killed by left over enemies, I think he just opens the door/wall or whatever and quickly darts behind it and then closes it....or he stands off against the monsters as he waits for the exit to open...but of course, for our benefit and because we hit the exit trigger, we don't see it...but at least we can imagine it.

Getting a little off topic there....

But yeah as for opening these doors, I still think of eye scanners or body scanners or some such thing. Touch sensitive seems likely as well.

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