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Where do you get your custom midis from?

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Most of the midis I use come from games like Blood, Hexen, Duke3D and from other games if I can find them. Occasionally I find a rock/metal midi that works well, but usually I find they're irritating in a Doom map and loop poorly. I also have a few I've composed myself though usually I don't like those either. I think your best bet is to look for midi soundtracks from games you know as opposed to more generalized midi databases.

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Ripping midis from other pwads is the easiest option since their authors usually at least try to pick songs that fit in Doom. But it has a drawback: reusing midis might be seen as lame, for example in my mind "The Midnight Carnival" already "belongs" to SOD map14, so if you put it in your map then I'll say that in a way you're ripping off Speed of Doom, which "monopolized" that song. Ok, maybe not exactly ripping off but still you're making me think of that awesome level and draw unnecessary comparisons.

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Doomkid said:

Feel free to use any MIDIs I've sequenced/composed! http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/68049-doomkids-updated-midi-pack/

I usually rip midis I like outta DM wads, when permission is given of course.

Nice! Definitely will look into this.

Memfis said:

Ripping midis from other pwads is the easiest option since their authors usually at least try to pick songs that fit in Doom. But it has a drawback: reusing midis might be seen as lame, for example in my mind "The Midnight Carnival" already "belongs" to SOD map14, so if you put it in your map then I'll say that in a way you're ripping off Speed of Doom, which "monopolized" that song. Ok, maybe not exactly ripping off but still you're making me think of that awesome level and draw unnecessary comparisons.

So, just pick an unpopular level with good music and rip the midis from them?

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http://vgmusic.com/ - Feel free to wade through 30,000 video game MIDIs and find/listen/download the ones you like! If you have the time, of course. At least they can be immediately played by clicking on them, and they can be sorted by gaming platforms and particular games alphabetically, so that you can easily find all midis from a given game if they're there.

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most of the time I have a specific video-game song in mind, and I just search for the midi of it via google. usually this gets me at either midishrine, khinsider, or yeah, vgmusic.

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I usually end up taking MIDIs from wads I like, mainly 90s wads like Memento Mori, Memento Mori 2, Requiem etc.

I need to learn how to make MIDIs :/

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Anvil Studio is pretty cool if you really need to make MIDIs and can't find ones you like. however, you might need to know how to compose, even just slightly (or you could just go Tommy Tallarico).

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When I'm looking for rock, I go to a guitar tab repository website, and use a guitar tab editor (not free) to export the tab file to MIDI.

There are wads in /idgames/music for Nine Inch Nails and popular heavy metal bands (Priest, Maiden, Metallica etc.)

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