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[Strife] What does the Sigil look like?


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There are three different looks the thing has: the brown thing you hold, the cutscene thing that looks like a vine ring with prongs duct taped to it, and the cover thing that looks like a styalized flame that's hard as hell looking to hold.

If someone were to model it in 3d, or make it for a display outfit, which would you go by.

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You also have the title screen off the Veteran Edition port, which is based off the box art. Then you have the in game cutscene rendition. Each looks different.

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Maybe the developers couldn't agree on its appearance. So far as a 3D model goes I'd use the SIGLA0-SIGLE0 sprites as a base, with the complete sigil (SIGLE0) looking closer to the weapon sprite than the box art to my eyes.

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I'm pretty sure the sigil that appears in various cutscenes and boxart pieces is just a symbol and not the actual artifact.

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